scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, October 06, 2016
I've been Googled
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
Try DuckDuckGo - The first thing you'll see when you go there, right under the search window, are these words, "The search engine that doesn't track you."
I dumped Google and switched to DuckDuckGo about two years ago and I have never had a problem nor, have I ever felt that my privacy was violated.
I also have much of Google's crap blocked using NoScript and Adblock Plus. -
10/6/16, 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I switched to IXQUICK some time ago. They do not rack you.
10/6/16, 2:37 PM
- Unknown said...
I recently posted a video on YouTube. What do you know that I should know?
10/6/16, 2:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio sez:
Me too Stu. I visit YouTube more than occasionally and have always thought they were OK. It's probably their politics like with too many of the Internet power houses. I too will await hearing about YouTube. -
10/6/16, 4:35 PM
Hellen du Panier said...
If you use Google Chrome browser, and I do,...
Gosh, it's been years since I told you, "Get a Mac." Good times. -
10/6/16, 4:58 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Stu. The last two times I posted a video that borrowed 1-2 minute snips from broadcast TV, YT suspended me and made me appear in YT court. I declined, and they eventually reinstated me, anyway. Fkm.
10/6/16, 4:59 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
And I forgot ... DuckDuckGo is not a browser, it's a search engine. Different animals,
10/6/16, 5:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio sez:
Yup Rog - You're right! I was so locked-up with the whole "Google" thing that I overlooked your "browser" comment. Sorry!
I won't even mention my browser preference(S) for fear of negative comments from your readers. I still say that my NoScript and Adblock Plus still holds the Google search engine down though and that my distaste for Google probably parallels yours
I wish you and your readers all well. Each of us must have our own nirvana. As an old friend of mine used to say, "Do whatever you want, you will anyway." and, "to each his own." -
10/6/16, 7:29 PM
brinster said...
Try Brave Rog. It has an embedded ad blocker, which, as I found out, really pisses of Slate.
Gonna start using Duck Duck Go...thanks for the heads up guys. -
10/6/16, 9:55 PM
- MAX Redline said...
I don't use the Chrome browser in Windows, although it is among the several that I do have.
I use Firefox on the main system, with some of the addons previously mentioned here - Duckduckgo is the search engine, and noscript and adblock knock down the junk.
When I want to watch a movie or something, I turn to the laptop (to which is connected a big screen and surround-sound system). I use Microsoft Edge browser for that, because it works really well for limited purposes.
When traveling, I use the Chromebook, which means using the Chrome browser (probably because I haven't looked into downloading a different browser as yet). Personally, I dislike the Chrome browser because it doesn't display pages properly in many cases.
Where the Chromebook does excel is battery life - that sucker runs for a whole day without needing a recharge. -
10/7/16, 1:39 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Max, there was a day when I prolly would have/could have done the same thing. Sadly ....
10/7/16, 7:02 AM
Anonymous said...
So,Max and Rodger RKoF, what do you use for your smart phone browser? I have tried to not use gooble or fauxblok for some time. Twatter never.
Genghis Con -
10/7/16, 6:45 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I am the last man on Earth without a cell phone
10/11/16, 7:52 AM