scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Martin Niemöller Revisitd
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
The writer hit on the very core matter of this election: If we allow Attila The Harridan to be President, with one SCOTUS seat already open, she would get to appoint two or three more Kagans and Sotomayors within four years. Sotomayor already slipped some years ago saying she wanted to be a judge because she "could make policy" in that position.
If this comes to pass, we can forget about even a Republican Congress slowing an accelerating slide into the USA becoming North Venezuela via phone, pen and Injustice Department lawsuits going to the New Legislative Supreme Court.
An uber-Progressive SCOTUS will become the New Constitution writers, enthroned for decades beyond Attila's reign, as Attila's Injustice Department, following Buraq's lead, will bring suit after suit, attacking every issue and organization that opposes the tyranny of a phone and a pen. The IRS harassment of Tea Party type organizations was nothing compared to what will come with Attila.
The result will be a nullification of the First, Second, Fourth and Tenth Amendments for sure, which will enrage those who actually care about them, and are in opposition to Attila. There will be some Randy Weaver/Branch Davidian moments with many of those in opposition to the nullification of our Constitution picked off one by one by the brownshirts of the armed government agencies, but I can't help think that even with a shutdown of a UN controlled internet, word will spread of the goings on and a simmering unease will build in the country.
Attila's outrageous confiscatory taxing and even more spending than Buraq's will bring a collapse of the economy, even now just over the horizon from years of feckless spending, which will enrage and frighten the rest of the populace and then what?
When the out of food BLM and SJW types hit the streets, it will be game on, a very bloody game with no impartial referees and no rules but last one standing wins. Unlike other countries, the populace here is heavily armed. The only questions are how much stomach will we have for such things and which side will the armed forces come down on?
I dread the possibilities.
Trump is an uncertainty, except for one thing: he is not Attila The Harridan. With SCOTUS, IMHO, the core issue of this election, we must elect Trump and take our chances.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
10/5/16, 1:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Vote for Trump or get it in the Rump! My new bumper sticker idea.
Tim -
10/5/16, 6:00 PM
- Unknown said...
"The only questions are how much stomach will we have for such things and which side will the armed forces come down on?"
If any of our military, having been insufficiently purged or demoralized, retain enough honor to resist orders to turn on the citizenry, and instead side with them against the tyrannical government, they will be declared anti-government enemies of the state (or even "enemies of The People") and renegades, and they'll be targeted by the U.N. troops the regime will bring in to quell the "insurrection". -
10/6/16, 12:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Stu: some possible insight:
I have a friend who was in "The Old Guard". The Old Guard posted at Fort Myer, Virginia. The guys who do the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and burials at Arlington cemetery. He told me the when the 1968 MLK riots hit Washington, there was such high tension in his barracks that Caucasian and Blacks were faced off, rifles loaded with live ammo. He said that had there been any sudden loud noise the place would have erupted.
I don't think you'll see this story told anywhere else. -
10/6/16, 8:16 AM