scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, November 10, 2016
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
jlw said...
but if you look at the table in the article, instead of the map, NH and MI still aren't called. the map gives NH to Trump, but the last numbers i saw had hillary ahead.
i'm still confused as to why these two states aren't called. each has 100% counted. -
11/10/16, 9:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Poetic justice, Trump wins NH and Kelly Ayotte {= John McCain, in Lindsey Graham's skirt}, loses. Hopefully with a zero chance of getting a position in the new administration.
Geo -
11/10/16, 9:57 AM
- Chris in NC said...
JLW: Provisional and absentee ballots are being evaluated and counted. In those 2 states there are enough to flip it the other way. It rarely makes a difference as the absentee and provisional usually follows what the electorate in the state did but if they have a bunch more from one area, it might flip the state with such close margins.
Geo: she wasn't the only one to suffer from not supporting him. This election was a strong message to the ruling class. I would never have believed it. -
11/10/16, 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
Try USATodaytoday - by county:
e~C -
11/10/16, 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...
dammit but I'm dumb -- the above is old...
11/10/16, 12:28 PM
Anonymous said...
The BeeB is working on it...
*shuffles off in em-bare-ass-ment* -
11/10/16, 12:32 PM
Anonymous said...
The chart doesn't give Trump NH. The red is for one district in Maine. Maine awards electoral votes by district.
11/10/16, 1:06 PM
jlw said...
you are correct, of course. my old eyes saw Maine 1 as NH.
incidentally, i think Maine gives 2 at large and 2 by district, though i've already been wrong once. -
11/10/16, 1:10 PM
- toadold said...
I remember a comment in a book called "Eight Is Enough" about a blended family. The Dad said when the kids get too old to spank and they start acting up, he found that cutting off the money supply had a sobering effect. It's time for a lot of people to go get jobs in the "real" world. I figure Title 9 money is going to be gone next year.
11/10/16, 3:49 PM
Cheesy said...
Wikipedia also calls Nazism "Right-Wing", so I wouldn't get too excited about how accurate they might be on other topics.
11/11/16, 12:02 AM