scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Election Mashed Potatoes
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Roger.45 said...
NEWS FLASH!!! Washington D.C. drugstores run out of but hurt cream.
11/9/16, 8:49 AM
Anonymous said...
A very concise yet detailed election report up on Youtube already.
Sir H the Comet -
11/9/16, 8:51 AM
- SoylentGreen said...
Thanks for the fast, Big Daddy and MoSup!
11/9/16, 9:10 AM
Undeplorable Helly said...
My head hurts; I can't see right; I'm still in yesterday's undies; but I am so happy.
Congratulations to all and most especially Rodge.
Watching Podesta say "go home' live: PRICELESS -
11/9/16, 9:24 AM
Anonymous said...
What a night. I'd pay a couple grand to slap "Bloody Meagan" in her mouth. I thought Brent was going to a couple of times. -Anymouse
11/9/16, 9:29 AM
Merrily said...
Congratulations, conservatives! We can fight another day.
Thank you, Rodger, for your voice in the wilderness. You are one of my favorite perks of being a conservative! -
11/9/16, 9:36 AM
- JLW III said...
Roger and MoSup your fasting and prayers were answered, not here in Maryland, but nationwide.
The Republicans picked up 3 more governorships over night according to Real Clear Politics. This leaves the Dems with absolutely no bench for future years. -
11/9/16, 10:12 AM
- Chris in NC said...
As the resident Eeyore, I'll admit I was so wrong. But I've never been happier to be wrong. Not only did he end the Clinton dynasty he ended the Bush dynasty too. That alone has already benefited the country.
11/9/16, 11:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Why don't any of the people who say they will leave say they will go to, Oh, say MEXICO, or the MIDDLE EAST, that they love so much? Hmmm?
11/9/16, 11:45 AM
- Skoonj said...
Well, there is still an issue to be settled, and wondered about.
Hillary Clinton has taken the money of rich despots and cronies for years, along with her rapacious husband, and they kept the Clinton Crime Foundation money as their own nest egg.
But all those despots and cronies expected a quid, the pro quo for which isn't going to happen. Even though she's not in prison (yet, Allah be Praised), she isn't in a position to sell America's foreign policy and give them something back. That's gone.
So now, with Donald Trump coming into office, and having no desire to sell us out, those despots and cronies will be very angry with the Clinton Crime Foundation. What will they do about it? Just sit there silently and accept it? I don't think so.
If I were a Clinton, I would keep my head down. Retribution could well be a part of the "code of the east". And I can picture some old despot in a limo, with friend or family, and saying something like "I did not now until this day, it was Barzini all along." As well we know, what followed, in good time, was anything but sitting there silently and taking it. Attila The Hen may figure out that a stretch in the slam may be her safest alternative. -
11/9/16, 12:10 PM
- Skoonj said...
Scottiebill, I grant that the pardon will be there promptly. Mullah Obama will want to take care of this loose end as soon as possible. However, that won't sooth the despots and cronies. In fact, it could inflame them!
When you are a Clinton, there is no where to hide. Except maybe that sex island she and Bill have been to. -
11/9/16, 12:34 PM
USMC2841 said...
Canada has an immigration website? Why not flee to a country that just lets you walk right in?
11/9/16, 12:57 PM
- Eskyman said...
Wonderful, wonderful news! Thank you, Rodge and MoSup, for your fasting, it paid off big time! (I reserve the right to believe that my MAGA hat contributed to the marvellous win!)
A lot of hard work ahead, but our beloved country has been saved at the brink of disaster by God's grace. I am so very grateful! -
11/9/16, 1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
^Toadold - ...Do you think he can make it out of the country...
The Anacostia freeway runs along the east side of DC, and is high enough in many places to overlook a wide panorama of most of the city. Drive there now and you'll see the columns of smoke from all the burn boxes being lit off.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/9/16, 3:12 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Look for Mullah Obama to parson Hil-LIAR-y before Christmas, thereby rendering her all but untouchable, as far as any chance of her being prosecuted and sent off to Leavenworth for a few years.
Also, should Mullah Obama grant her that pardon, it will show the world that he is every bit as corrupt as the Clintons and Loretta Lynch, that he condones and encourages criminal corruption. Further, it would termonally screw up his "legacy" for years to come - - if not forever.
Scottiebill (format REPOST FROM 12:25 pm) BY me -
11/9/16, 5:29 PM
- Skoonj said...
Leavenworth? Is there one for Jewish prisoners, called UnLeavenworth?
11/9/16, 7:28 PM