Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Data on Interracial Crime?

Why Did the Bureau of Justice Stop Publishing the Data on Interracial Crime?

Today's "DUH" moment.
Heather Mac Donald is one of the few journalists who gathers good, clear facts in many crime cases. She has an excellent article at City Journal on the stats for black-on-white crime and their relationship to the Chicago torture video:

Heather Mac Donald is one of the few journalists who gathers good, clear facts in many crime cases. She has an excellent article at City Journal on the stats for black-on-white crime and their relationship to the Chicago torture video:

Anti-police activists and the mainstream media are incensed at the suggestion that the Black Lives Matter movement could have influenced the behavior of the four individuals in Chicago who tortured a disabled white man for hours last week while yelling “Fuck white people” and “Fuck Donald Trump.” In one sense, the activists and media are right: The influences were broader than that. They include the reign of racial victimology, inner-city gang culture, and black anti-white animus.


Blacks, in other words, committed 85% of the interracial crimes between blacks and whites, even though they are 13 percent of the population. This data accords with the last published report on interracial crime from the Bureau of Justice Statistics; the Bureau stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008, the first year of the Obama presidency.

The violence in the Chicago torture video does not arise in a vacuum. Most residents of inner-city areas are hardworking bourgeois citizens longing to live in safety and in racial harmony. But the video opens a window into a culture that America would prefer to turn its eyes away from—and which it has helped create.

Aside: I wanted to access World Net Daily's data file on Black on White crime, but it appears WND  has been hacked by people who don't like what they say. As is their wont.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the Bureau stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after 2008, the first year of the Obama presidency.
"You can't stand the truth!!"
- some Marine Colonel
Lt Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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