Women’s March over the weekend was all about?
According to Madonna it had something to do with blowing up the White
According to Michael Moore (not a woman) it was about stopping Betty De Vos (a woman: how does this work, exactly?) from becoming Secretary of Education. According to ... Or is it another of those things we’re just supposed to know – and the very fact we don’t know shows precisely how insensitive and unobservant we are? My initial guess was that it might have been down to one of the following:
forgotten anniversary
An unnoticed new hair do A very-much-noticed and far-too-nakedly-lingering glance at Ivanka (or similar) Toilet seat left up Trash taken out – but without the liner being replaced The wrong answer to a question about cellulite or weight or a much-desired but patently unsuitable outfit Nothing. No, seriously. There’s nothing wrong. Nothing at all. Really. Nothing. If any of these had been the reasons, I can quite understand why hundreds of thousands of women took to the streets across the world to express their distress through the medium of screeching, placard-waving and ostentatious sporting of vulva-coloured headgear. [FULL]
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Juice said...
A bitch fest.
Take some Midol.
Please. -
1/24/17, 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Many of them are so hateful, vulgar and ugly, making a public spectacle of themselves is their only hope of getting any attention, never mind a man.
The best even the more attractive of them can hope for is some metrosexual pajama boy, like the husband of the woman tossed off the airplane for berating her seatmate about Trump. He wasn't even man enough to tell his wife to shut her big mouth, and for that, they were escorted off the airplane.
I saw a gaggle of bitter losers, in life and the election, who will never know how to be happy, and that demonstration was a cry for relevance and attention.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/24/17, 1:34 PM
- Juice said...
Agreed Tailgunner. It's usually about clinging to relevance that these aging divas are acting out in public. They are sick like rabid dogs who should otherwise slink off under the porch like Cujo, before being relieved of their disease.
1/24/17, 2:57 PM
drew458 said...
Oh God, I've made the missing liner mistake myself. Didn't replace it fast enough. What a sin that is. These days I get out the new liner before I even take the old bag out. It's just not worth it.
1/24/17, 3:37 PM
- Jess said...
After thinking about your question, I decided that looking into the minds of many of these women would be like looking into the mind of a spider. Not only would the thoughts be bizarre, they would probably reveal things I really don't want to know.
1/24/17, 3:55 PM
- Juice said...
Props to Jess!
1/24/17, 4:39 PM
- MAX Redline said...
The best even the more attractive of them can hope for is some metrosexual pajama boy, like the husband of the woman tossed off the airplane for berating her seatmate about Trump. He wasn't even man enough to tell his wife to shut her big mouth, and for that, they were escorted off the airplane.
Oh, that was just a priceless video! Naturally, they're from Portland, Oregon. And while the cops were taking the pair off the plane to the applause of other passengers, she couldn't shut up. "There is no way I'm getting off this plane, she said.
Oh yes there was! -
1/24/17, 7:08 PM
Anonymous said...
^Max said:
"There is no way I'm getting off this plane, she said.
Oh yes there was!
Wasn't that a beauty?
If she continued to raise a ruckus and resist deplanement, her fine and days-in-prison meter would start spinning like the national debt clock. Eventually she would have been carried off in cuffs and anklets if need be. The Feds take messing with anything on an airplane or airline personnel very seriously.
Progs want more government, but don't like it when it lands on them. She had the usual Prog mentality that she was better than the rest of us and was immune from the law and common decency, because she knew best and meant well. Yeah, well for herself and her ilk.
I hope that episode cost the pinch-faced bitch.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/24/17, 10:10 PM
Anonymous said...
She was accompanying her husband to his mother's funeral, right? And yet she just couldn't resist going holier-than-thou on some stranger. What a sick fuck. I'll bet her husband had some choice words for her. I wouldn't be surprised if he called a divorce lawyer. Then again, maybe he's as much a jerk as she is, just knows when to keep quite or was too grief-stricken to join in.
1/24/17, 11:15 PM