several rather lame false starts, the Neocons have now taken a step
which can only be called a declaration of war against Donald Trump.
It all began with CNN published an article entitled “Intel chiefs
presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him” which
claimed that:
Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and
President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives
claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr.
Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings
tell CNN. The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis
was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British
intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials
consider credible (…) The two-page synopsis also included allegations
that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign
between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government,
according to two national security officials.
The website Buzzfeed then published the full document. Here it is
in full.
the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening
now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost
regardless of what Trump will personally do.
[See exhibit]
When I first read the document my intention was to debunk it sentence
by sentence. However, I don’t have the time for that and,
there is no need for it. I will just provide you here with enough
simple straightforward evidence that this is a fake. Here are
just a
few elements of proof:
The document has no letterhead, no identification, no date, no
nothing. For many good technical and even legal reasons,
intelligence documents are created with plenty of tracking and
identification information. For example, such a document would
typically have a reference to the unit which produced it or an
number-letter combination indicating the reliability of the source and
of the information it contains.
The classification
If this was a true document its level of classification would be much,
much higher than “confidential” and since most intelligence documents
come from sensitive sources there is no need to specify that.
The allegation that “The dossier is controlled by Kremlin spokesman,
PESKOV, directly on PUTIN’S orders” is beyond laughable. Clearly
author of this fake has no idea how the Russian intelligence and
security services work (hint: the Presidential spokesman has no
involvement in that whatsoever)
On page 2 there is this other hilarious sentence “exploit TRUMP’s
personal obsession and sexual perversion in order to obtain suitable
‘kompromat’ (compromising material) on him.” Nobody in a real
intelligence document would bother to clarify what the word “kompromat”
means since both in Russian and in English it is obviously the
combination of the words “compromising” and “materials”. Any
intelligence officer, even a very junior one, would know that word, if
only because of the many Cold War era espionage books written about the
KGB entrapment techniques.
The document speaks of “source A”, “source B” and further down the
alphabet. Now ask yourself a simple question: what happens after
“source Z” is used? Can any intelligence agency work with a
pool of sources limited to 26? Obviously, this is not how
agencies classify their sources.
I will stop here and submit that there is ample evidence that this is a
crude fake produced by amateurs who have no idea of what they are
talking about.
This does not make this document any less dangerous, however.
and this is the really crucial part, there is more than enough here to
impeach Trump on numerous grounds both political and legal. Let
repeat again – this is an attempt at removing Donald Trump from the
White House. This is a political coup d’etat.
Second, this
smears everybody involved: Trump himself, of course, but also the evil
Russians and their ugly Machiavellian techniques. Trump is
“confirmed” as a sexual pervert who likes to hire prostitutes to
urinate on him. As for the Russians, they are basically accused
trying to recruit the President of the United States as an agent of
their security services. That would make Trump a traitor, by the
Third, within one
week we went from allegations of “Russian hacking” to “having a traitor
sitting in the White House”. We can only expect a further Tsunami
such allegations to continue and get worse and worse every day.
It is
interesting that Buzzfeed has already preempted the accusation of this
being a smear and demonization campaign against Trump by writing that
“Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans
can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect
that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.” as if
most Americans had the expertise to immediately detect that this
document is a crude forgery!
Fourth, unless all
officials who briefed Trump come out and deny that this fake was part
of their briefing with Trump, it will appear that this document has the
official imprimatur of the senior US intelligence officials and that
would give them a legal, probatory, authority. This de-facto
that the “experts” have evaluated that document and have certified it
as “credible” even before any legal proceedings in court or, worse, in
Congress. I sure hope that Trump had the foresight to audio and
record his meeting with the intelligence chiefs and that he is now able
to threaten them with legal action if they now act in a way
contradicting their behavior before him.
Fifth, the fact
that CNN
got involved in all this is a critical factor. Some of us,
yours truly, were shocked and disgusted when the WaPo posted a list of
200 websites denounced as “fake news” and “Russian propaganda”, but
what CNN did by posting this article is infinitely worse: it is a
direct smear and political attack on the President Elect on a worldwide
level (the BBC and others are already posting the same crap).
again confirms to be that the gloves are off and that the Ziomedia is
in full state of war against Donald Trump.
All of the above further confirms to me what I have been saying over
the past weeks: if Trump ever makes it into the White House (I write
‘if’ because I think that the Neocons are perfectly capable of
assassinating him), his first priority should be to ruthlessly crack
down as hard as he legally can against those in the US “deep state”
(which very much includes the media) who have now declared war on
I am sorry to say that, but it will be either him or them – one of the
parties here will be crushed.
the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had
dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war
on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war
(should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that
uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and
especially in Florida and Texas).
At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening
now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost
regardless of what Trump will personally do. Whatever we may
think of
Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is
certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to
“clear the

give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they
see as fundamental American values. If the Neocons now manage to
a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American
will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life,
their values and their country. In spite of the image which
likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent
people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab
their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in
their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting
hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county
authorities, who often care much more about what their local
constituents think and say than what the are up to in DC.
If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la
Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US
Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in
Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot
at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for
Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the
population the police, security and military services might simply
refuse to take action. If that could happen in the
country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.
I sure hope that I am wrong and that this latest attack against Trump
is the Neocon’s last “hurray” before they finally give up and
leave. I
hope that all of the above is my paranoia speaking. But, as they
“just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not after you“.
So please tell me I am wrong!
The Saker
we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a
President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have
voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the
Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental
American values.
If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup
d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will
turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their
values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes
to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people,
but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their
guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their
democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here,
I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often
care much more about what their local constituents think and say than
what the are up to in DC.

a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la
Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US
Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in
Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot
at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the
Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the
population the police, security and military services might simply
refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled
country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.
I sure hope that I am wrong and that this latest attack
against Trump is the Neocon’s last “hurray” before they finally give up
and leave. I hope that all of the above is my paranoia speaking. But,
as they say, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are
not after you“.
So please tell me I am wrong!