users say Demand Protest is linked to Soros but there is no way of
knowing from their website. It is hard to tell if they are associated
with Soros but considering all of the violent protest movements are
Soros funded, #BlackLivesMatter and #Occupy, it is a safe bet that
Soros is also funding this radical leftist group. And note: The leftist
mob is NEVER grassroots. It always includes paid activists.
Demand Protest says they are strategists mobilizing millennials for protests and training. The contact phone number is a San Francisco number. 4Chan users say Demand Protest is linked to Soros but there is no way of knowing from their website. It is hard to tell if they are associated with Soros but considering all of the violent protest movements are Soros funded, #BlackLivesMatter and #Occupy, it is a safe bet that Soros is also funding this radical leftist group. And note: The leftist mob is NEVER grassroots. It always includes paid activists. We are strategists mobilizing millennials across the globe with seeded audiences and desirable messages. With absolute discretion a top priority, our operatives create convincing scenes that become the building blocks of massive movements. When you need the appearance of outrage, we are able to deliver it at scale while keeping your reputation intact.
undercover video of leftists meeting in Washington, D.C., has exposed a
well-advanced plot to use foul-smelling butyric acid to disrupt this
week’s “Deploraball” event in honor of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
The video released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showed the rabidly anti-Trump coalition already had scouted the National Press Building, and members were confident they could release acid there “with no negative consequences for our side, nor any collateral damage.” The video exposing the plot includes statements from several members of the group DC Anti-fascist Coalition, which is allied with other far-left groups plotting to prevent Trump’s inauguration as president. Project Veritas said the group plotted to deploy butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for Thursday. “The meeting, captured on hidden camera, was held at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizza restaurant that is better known as the location of the Pizzagate controversy,” Project Veritas said. “The coalition members discuss the steps they would need to take to halt the Deploraball event.” Project Veritas said it notified the FBI, Secret Service and D.C. Metro Police of the contents of the video prior to its release. And there's this ...
incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or
insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws
thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be
incapable of holding any office under the United States.
25, 1948, ch. 645, 62
Stat. 808; Pub.
L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept.
13, 1994, 108
Stat. 2147.)
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, January 16, 2017
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- toadold said...
"Never bring a stink ball to a chainsaw fight."
1/16/17, 6:09 PM
Anonymous said...
My suggestion would be to locate the gathering spots of these slimeballs, then strategically maneuver a squadron of drones armed with Adamsite Gas over those sites. The Russians have effectively used this gas to stop insurrection in its tracks. It's non lethal. but causes immediate reaction, with the recipient vomiting up his shoelaces.
As I understand, the retching symptoms persist for a half hour or so , giving 'first responders' plenty of time to don masks and go in to collect the rubbish. These Anarchists need to spend a few months of hard jail time. -
1/16/17, 6:28 PM
Tom Smith said...
Thanks Obama
1/16/17, 6:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Always carry that hip flask: butyric acid mixed with ethanol makes ethylbutyrate, a very pleasant smelling compound that is used to flavor and provide scents to foods.
1/16/17, 7:18 PM
Anonymous said...
See, Trump is making more jobs and not even President yet. Even at his worst, he is far better than jugears period.
Bolivar -
1/17/17, 5:16 AM
- Jess said...
They'll hire some thugs; maybe even mercenaries, but the past reveals they will leave if the fight turns to where they know they can't win, or the money is suspended.
They don't have a chance, and will find an angry populace set on revenge. -
1/17/17, 11:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Not much available except a Toronto address & phone...
GaGator -
1/17/17, 7:08 PM
Michelle P said...
The Demand Protest was a hoax. From the interview, it seems like the guy was seeing how much crap the media would swallow w/o checking facts. The other "people" are just evil. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/01/tucker-carlson-exposes-hoaxer-offered-pay-protesters-2500-month-video/
1/19/17, 11:47 AM