Thanks for Nothing, Bitches
If asked to choose a “favorite” picket sign from the oh-so-many left
littering the scene, I’d have to go with the unfathomable “Make Them
Pay for Razors if We Pay for Tampons.”
(A close second? This guy’s ”Don’t Grab Women by the Pussy—That’s Where Babies Come From!” is currently tied with “Cinnamon Rolls Not Gender Roles,” but I’m open to suggestions (with hyperlinks) for runners-up in the comments. Prizewinning reaction from our side? No contest—the ubiquitous:
Trump got more fat women to walk today than Michelle Obama did in eight
rarely fail to let me down.
There’s a Roz Chast cartoon showing one lady shouting at another: “The price of Kleenex WAS SO 47 cents in 1963!” That sentence approximates roughly 86% of the “conversations” I’ve had with (or overheard being conducted by) other females over the span of my 52 years.
they’ve gone and done it again.
I thought my column would write itself this week:
bunch of dumb broads were plotting an anti-Trump demo in Washington
that, like all the other “Million Something Marches,” would surely wind
up being just a handful of jerks standing around stupidly screaming for
a few hours. And then I’d make fun of them (and their unfunny,
semiotically askew, pink knitted “pussy hats”) for 800 words.
what do those hats mean?
“I dare Trump to ‘grab’ the fuchsia, cat-eared wool vagina on my head”?)
thanks for (almost) nothing, bitches. Because startlingly (especially
considering the pre-march “intersectional feminist catfighting” reported by our own Jim Goad), a few
hundred thousand protesters
really, truly turned up for the #WomensMarch in D.C., and at “sister”
rallies across the apparently suckier parts of the planet.
Everyone knows that most women are generally lackadaisical and
incompetent. (As blogger Kate
McMillan likes to
say, “If women ran the world, we’d still be living in caves—but with
really, really fancy curtains.”)
had to pivot from gloating about puny attendance to collecting evidence
of the marchers’ idiocy.”
I realized: One thing women are good at is organizing get-togethers
with other women. Every cubicle job I’ve ever had consisted of almost
daily bridal and baby and birthday parties, and the all-important
“going for lunch,” occasionally punctuated by work.
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Thanks for Nothing, Bitches
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Follow the link to the story (with video) about the Canadian (Conservative) WOMAN reporter who was punched in the face by a lip-pierced (allegedly male) little coward who was then hustled away and protected by the crowd of "Feminists", who also accused the reporter of "provoking" the attack. I mean, the irony and hypocrisy are overpowering. And Just for starters he ought to have that stupid lip-ring ripped out. And a mainstream Canadian reporter shot pix of the whole thing, and yet not one of those photos has been seen. Oooh! We are FUMING over this shit!
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
1/25/17, 12:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I noticed an awful lot of pink considering they were decrying gender stereotypes.
Tim -
1/25/17, 6:24 PM