Monday, May 01, 2017

Stuff you can do when you're 90!

10 Reasons You Should Be Cooking With Lard

UPDATE: Made French Fries Last Night and they were fantastic.


Chris in NC said...

sadly the vegan pussies out there keep protesting and restaurants cave to them....

gadfly said...

HuffPo missed the number one reason to cook with animal drippings - McDonald's French Fries.

In the good old days, McDonald's fries were cooked in beef tallow. Did you know that, contrary to popular belief, God's last name is not Damn and beef tallow is actually a “good” fat? Animals fats (like tallow) are actually better for us than modern industrial oil alternatives. Lard is back, baby!

toadold said...

Beef Tallow for French fries.

Anonymous said...

Almost as good as Schmaltz.

bocopro said...

Mammy's li'l baby love shawtnin, shawnin,
Mammy's li'l baby love shawtnin bread!

Esteve said...

Remembering my grandmother's biscuits with a big grin and a happy tear.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I made REAL french fries last night ... in LARD! ... and they were 1964 McDonald's

Skoonj said...

Happy 90th, Raja. I had no idea.

Cuzzin Rick said...

French Fries... I'm sure Lard and Beef Tallow is great.... but next time try Duck Fat!

Scott said...

Real McD's Fries: Real potatoes stored in a basement, washed and sliced, fried in beef tallow, salted adequately, heaven on Earth. Not those sugar coated frozen fries cooked in vegetable oil that polymerizes over time at high temps.

Unknown said...

I'm reminded of the story, from many years ago, of the fellow who loved the filling in Oreos. Of course he would, like a kid, twist the cookies apart and eat the filling, but that wasn't enough. Nor was it enough for him when "Double-Stuff" Oreos came out; he still couldn't get enough. Finally, he wrote to Nabisco, and asked if he could buy Oreo filling by the 55 gal. drum.

"Sadly, No, you cannot" Nabisco replied, "But why don't you just get a great big sack of sugar and a great big tub of lard, and you can mix up your own?"

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Apocryphal or not, the best comment of the week, and free parking for you in the executive garage for a week!

Ralph Gizzip said...

You haven't lived until you try:

Eskyman said...

I eat low carb- and mostly use bacon fat for frying & lard for baking.

Here in the State of Idiocy (California) I couldn't find any lard at the local Ralph's supermarket, so I had to ask an employee. He didn't know (a young man, he'd never heard of lard) but directed me to the butcher-shop part of the store.

Success! They knew what I was after, and they even had some- and I'd walked right by it without knowing. Here it's called "manteca" because apparently only the hispanics use it. Sigh.

Once upon a time I learned Spanish, so that I could visit a nearby country and talk to the native speakers there. That country now seems to have come to me!

Has anyone seen my country? I seem to have lost it somewhere.

Unknown said...

My old friend Lonesome Steve Mitchell wrote a song called "Take Me to Manteca", about Manteca, California, where he was living circa 1974. I remember rolling into Manteca with Floozy Belle in her psychedelic VW bus; it was 6 a.m. and the sign on the bank said it was 88º F.

tenntexian said...

Remember Jeff Foxworthy's observation that you may be a redneck if . . . You have used lard in bed. Mmm good times.

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