Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hilarity ensues


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, said today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing a limited version of the Trump administration’s “Muslim ban” executive orders to take effect ignores the Islamophobic origins of the policy and emboldens Islamophobes in the Trump administration

Christians who celebrate the Supreme Court decision to allow part of the "Muslim Ban" forget that Jesus himself was a refugee/migrant. SMH. (Dr. Craig Considine )


Skoonj said...

"Dr. Craig Considine @CraigCons
Christians who celebrate the Supreme Court decision to allow part of the "Muslim Ban" forget that Jesus himself was a refugee/migrant. SMH."

Jesus was not a refugee or a migrant. His father and mother were required by the state to return to Joseph's town of origin, and they were there for census and tax reasons. Form there he could return home.

drew458 said...

This whole thing has always confused me. I've read the law, that part of the 1952 Immigration Act, and it is the clearest, best written, least ambiguous thing I've ever read. The president has the authority, period. All the rest of this is BS. No Congressional approval, no judicial oversight, no media agreement, no public opinion polls; his opinion is all that matters. Yes, this is a lot of power! So what?

SCOTUS did kind of cop out though, saying they'd look at it again in the fall regarding overstepping. There is no overstepping: read the law. Any class of persons, whether that's people from Syria, homosexual meth addicts from the South Pacific, or Icelanders holding burning cow hooves. Makes no difference; if the President says that he feels that this bunch is a threat to the security of the nation, then they aren't allowed in. Period. It's been that way for SEVENTY FIVE YEARS.

WTF is wrong with people's brains these days???

And it's a pity that SCOTUS can't censure the lower courts and signal Congress to de-bench these political hacks.

Drew458 said...

oops, my bad, SIXTY FIVE YEARS. 12 Presidents. And suddenly we've got Judge Don Ho serving up a nice Hawaiian Punch, 2 days after a visit from ex-Prez Obongo? Am I the only one who smells a rat here??

JimB said...

"Dr. Craig Considine @CraigCons
Christians who celebrate the Supreme Court decision to allow part of the "Muslim Ban" forget that Jesus himself was a refugee/migrant. SMH."
He also wasn't advocating "Holy War" against all who did not believe in Him.

Anonymous said...

Jesus was not a refugee but if you're bringing him into this you check with him first. He's behind the PEARLY GATES.

Dan said...

Lefties don't like it because CAIR doesn't like it.
CAIR doesn't like it because it's not sharia-compliant.

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