Saturday, July 15, 2017

I Know


clayusmcret said...

It looks great except for the mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, what are you having?

Murphy(AZ) said...

Sorry, what were you saying? I was distracted.

Anonymous said...

That is one helluva mixed grill.

drew458 said...

Saturday breakfast. can't beat it.

leelu said...

I hope you brought enough for everyone?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, I usually have triple the mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

And it comes as a single serving. Yum.


Eskyman said...

Oh yum! I'd have that in an instant, but I'd have to leave out the toast, beans & hash browns.

I still love those items but my lo-carb diet requires no work to maintain, & it not only keeps me down to my high school weight, but I just feel so much better! (Don't tell anyone, but every once in a long while I do cheat & have some hash browns, though I try not to do that very often.)

Don't know how I ever lived without sriracha, that stuff is great! Really gives a zip to eggs!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, where's the quart of orange juice? I may as well blow my blood sugar along with my cholesterol and die like a man.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Kim du Toit said...

Damn it, Rodge... will you STOP posting pictures of my Full English Breakfast that I have every day while in Merrie England on sabbatical?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'da thought you'd be more into raw wildebeest Kim.

Scott said...

Where are the Kippers?

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