Tuesday, July 04, 2017

The Shadow Blows

Gangsta—Tics +     

UNLESS     *******      We Won't Play      

The empire that emerged after World War II has established an Amerika Imperium. With the consistent dumbing down of the youth, indoctrinated in government schools and the mind control impact from the mass media, the culture has abandoned the timeless principles that our country was founded upon.

The only conclusion any honest American citizen can come to is that the Republic is dead. Once again the flags wave and the songs play as the parades march to celebrate another 4th of July. Picnic meals are eaten while children frolic in the warn sunshine of summer. Few people reflect on the true meaning that established the solemn commemoration of the nation's birth. The reality of this post federation of independent state sovereignty is that a centralized federal behemoth has superseded the original intent of Thomas Jefferson's vision: "That government is best which governs least". Today the society that exists demands compliance or compels obedience by way of punishment.

The empire that emerged after World War II has established an Amerika Imperium. With the consistent dumbing down of the youth, indoctrinated in government schools and the mind control impact from the mass media, the culture has abandoned the timeless principles that our country was founded upon. 

In the essay, Independence Day for Whom?, the struggle for freedom and liberty was fought against the British empire. Most citizens acclaim this revolution as the greatest achievement of a besieged population. Ponder just how far the promises from a rebellion of Englishmen has deteriorated into a dumping ground for foreigners, who do not believe in the values and responsibilities upon which this struggle was fought.

For a more precise view of The Meaning of Independence Day, the true reasons for waging a war to create a beacon of hope in the New World has a history that fewer people understand, much less devote their allegiance to its preservation.

Just how has a country of freedom loving patriots allowed the systematic destruction of their once beloved nation? A primer on some of the reasons for this betrayal can be reviewed in the End of Independence Day essay. With the internationalism of foreign policy, the traditional America First viewpoint of the Founding Fathers was abandoned.

The end result is that The Death of Independence, is now upon us. Over the decades, a replacement aristocracy emerged that transplanted the elected representation of the public will. The real control behind the legislative office holders and certainly the executive branch under any president, demonstrate that ignoring the canons within the Declaration of Independence is a prime requirement to wheel power in Washington DC.

Frustrated and disenfranchised citizens voted for Donald Trump based upon his articulation on the issues that genuine patriots would support. No matter what anyone thinks of the man or believes about the inordinate attacks directed at him and his administration, the indisputable fact is that the establishment wants to see him fail.

Simply put, the actual rulers of the global supremacy wants the financial dominance of the central banking system to continue and perfect their governance. Amerika is pivotal in maintaining their forced submission. The basis of the Shadow Government surreptitiously functions in the darkness of public exposure.

Routing out any effort or initiative for independent representation is the standard modus operandi. The populace is generally ignorant of the existence of this empowerment cabal. People are led to believe that the Deep State is simply the technocrats that never leave their positions of administrating agencies. Regretfully, it is not realistic to facilitate a clean sweep of the careerists who routinely sabotage any directive that compromises the interests of the permanent bureaucracies and their masters.

Trump may prove to be a dragon slayer, but the hatching of genetically rotten eggs continues. The column, Can the Swamp Really be Drained?, addresses this issue. The single most persistent element that drives authorities away from the maxims of the American Revolution, centers within the attitude that government acts in the interests of the people.

Such deficiencies in understanding of the vile nature and the actual record of coercive regimes, stands as a major obstacle to the liberation of the mind. Rejecting the legitimacy of the criminal syndicate that purports to be the lawful authority is essential. 

Examine the book review,  American Amnesia the Liberal Case for Government, which debunks the lunacy that rationalizes the worship of government control over society. Such a demented academic viewpoint logically concludes that the celebration of Independence Day must be based upon the triumph of the all powerful  leviathan government over a decentralized autonomous and local accountable authority.

Authentic nationalism must rest upon the pillars of individual liberty. When the 4th of July becomes a cartoon carnival of the Deep State, the only beneficiary is the Shadow Government. 

President Trump is not the cause nor is he the solution to reinstitute an American Renaissance Revolution. However, to the degree that he can raise the consciousness within the country, his presence in the oval office becomes a peril to the comrades, who want to destroy our national independence.

When the hypocrites from the political class and the treachery from the fake news purveyors is confronted, then and only then, will a real independence celebration become a true national commemoration.

The enemy is not just at the gate, they have become the jailers for the deplorable resistance. The intent is to isolate and eliminate the heartland dissenters because they are the only threat that has the ability to win the infowar of ideas. Since the establishment is hell bent on waging a civil war against the faithful, the remnant and torch guardians must commit to the purging of the fifth column subversives that occupy the government.

As the sharks encircle the Trump agenda, their blood thirsty appetite quickens. Their Dracula heritage has drained the inherent vital courage from the masses that subsist in a pseudo reality imposed by a hostile New World Order.

This perceptibility is categorically opposite to the fundamental precepts that were universally accepted when the country was founded. Independence Day deserves a proper reverence. Before the nation can earn that privilege, it must mature and own up and admit that the de facto foe of the populist is the very government that so many celebrate.

SARTRE - July 4, 2017 


Anonymous said...

I managed to convince myself years ago, that most of our founding fathers were not on board with Jeffersons experiment in Republicanism. I've devoted a lot of time learning about him. Of course it's impossible to read about his life without seeing that he fought a constant battle against Al Hamilton (read Hamiltons Curse), who sought to undue everything he did. I recently listened to the audio books of Glen Becks recreation of the Federalist papers. There, point by point they undid Jefferson's work and created the big monster. And what did Tom J. have to say about it? Well, they sent him away to be the Ambassador of France. I see what ya did there fellas. Following that came the scourge of Henry Clay, Lincolns war of consolidation, Reconstruction, Progressivism, Cultural Marxism and Kathy Griffin.

The onslaught of power against individual freedom has been constant and immense. It's amazing that states rights still exist at all today, or that freedom loving men and women have maintained the power they still possess. I can see no organization that provides this, and I cannot put my finger on any mechanism which maintains our level of freedom. It leads me to arrive at the conclusion that it is the love of freedom that still exists in the hearts of some citizens, and the knowledge held by our foes of the extent we will go to preserve it, that keeps us at the level we are today. I raise a cold beer to all of my fellow patriots. Happy Independence Day. -Anymouse

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one. 3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics. To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the 1st. condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty and happiness. It has it’s evils too: the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.1 Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 17872

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, outside the Beltway, most of America is still at the mall, too comfortable to see the theft going on, little by little, right before their eyes.
If only they'd look up from that shiny stuff for a moment.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

WTF is the blogger trying to say in this paragraph? (Emphasis added.)

"Simply put, the actual rulers of the global supremacy wants the financial dominance of the central banking system to continue and perfect their governance. Amerika is pivotal in maintaining their forced submission. The basis of the Shadow Government surreptitiously functions in the darkness of public exposure."

I find that last sentence to be indecipherable.

--General Petty Officer Fifth Class Skyhawker Doug

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