Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Blues Brothers, and today's NAZIs.




Making of Blues Brothers
One of my fave movies of all time.  I remember watching it with my 7 year old son. On a school night. He liked it so much that we watched it again.  I was scolded by his mother the next morning when he had trouble getting up for church. 

When I found this last night on You Tube, I remembered the scene where Jake and Elwood ran into a road blocked by an American Nazi Party demonstration on a bridge. Elwood runs them off the bridge into the East Lagoon.  That scene was based on "Skokie Affair" (In 1977 Frank Collin, the leader of National Socialist Party of America, announced the party's intention to march through Skokie, Illinois. Wiki.)  The case began in the local Cook County court, when the Village government successfully sued, under the caption Village of Skokie v. NSPA, for an injunction to bar the demonstration. 

But wait! The
ACLU appealed on behalf of NSPA.  The case eventually went to the SCOTUS.

... the Supreme Court's 1977 NSPA decision is that a group's request to engage in a parade or demonstration involving public display of the Nazi swastika is a symbolic form of free speech that is at least presumptively entitled to First Amendment protections. In other words, the Court's decision implies that First Amendment protection would not be denied to use of the swastika as a form of "fighting words".

I doubt there's an anti-fa snot alive who knows any of this history. If they did, their minds would explode.


toadold said...

The list of movies that couldn't be made now because of PC keeps on growing. Mel Brooks , just about everything he did. Clint Eastwood, and others. Not enough room for a complete lists and it keeps on growing. Casablanca wouldn't pass.

MAX Redline said...

Yep, Blazing Saddles surely couldn't be made today.

Murphy(AZ) said...

^ Sadly, both comments are far too true. Don't believe me? IF you can find Blazing Saddles on broadcast TV, even on the little watched channels, even way late at night on the weekends, see what you can recognize of the original movie after it has been p.c.'d. It's one thing to chop up a classic movie so broadcasters can fit in more idiot commercials, but now-a-days, what passes for Blazing Saddles is more like Blzn Sdls, barely recognizable.

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