scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, September 07, 2017
Ttwo years?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- leelu said...
Don't think so. Last flick I saw in the theater was 'Minions'.
Prior to that, 'Reds'. Before that, 'Book of Eli',
Three times in ten years. -
9/7/17, 8:59 AM
Tom Smith said...
8 years
9/7/17, 9:54 AM
DonM said...
The last time we went to a movie theater a woman with very nasty perfume was sitting two rows ahead of us and there was no way to get away from it and a guy was loudly crunching popcorn with his mouth open. We left with eyes watering and swore an oath to never return. That was well over ten years ago.
DonM -
9/7/17, 9:59 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Bad Santa ... I think
9/7/17, 10:12 AM
Anonymous said...
Hadn't been for years and years but about 18 months ago, I specifically went to see The Revenant solely for the delight of seeing that bear gnawing on DiCaprio's sorry liberal a$$.
Sir H the Comet -
9/7/17, 10:50 AM
- Skoonj said...
Sudden Impact, 1983. That was the last one.
9/7/17, 11:39 AM
Anonymous said...
The last forgettable Star Wars flick. I WILL be going to American Assassin next week when it opens as Vince Flynn is my favorite author and I want to see how they do with Mitch Rapp.
Bolivar -
9/7/17, 12:04 PM
bocopro said...
Hmmmmm . . . well, let's put it this way:
Last movie I saw in a theatre was CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND when it first came out.
And when that big sumbitch rose up over Devil's Tower, my skin crawled. VERY impressive on the big screen
Haven't even been close to a moviehouse since that time, primarily because of ticket prices and VCRs. -
9/7/17, 12:17 PM
- Eskyman said...
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, in 2003. Saw it at Universal Studios, in super-high whatsit with ludicrous tech, or something like that.
It was good, though the book is better. The last movie in LotR, The Two Towers, I'd already heard about- that they'd ruined the ending- so I waited till it came out on Netflix. Sadly, what I'd heard was true: the moral lessons that Tolkien taught were left out, which completely spoiled the entire series for me. (Hey, the movie will be a lot better if we just leave out the whole point of the book, someone must've said.)
Don't know what book they got the script for The Hobbit out of, but it does have some of the same characters as the wonderful book Tolkien wrote. Otherwise, meh.
Last night I watched Shane (1953.) One of the best films ever made, and timeless. Wish someone was making anything like that today, but I wish in vain.
I don't think I'll ever be back in a theater again; today's films aren't up to par, and the jerks with smartphones ruin any enjoyment there may be. Then there's the cost! -
9/7/17, 12:38 PM
- Tom said...
Nope. The last time I saw a movie in a theater it was as a contest winner on WMAL. It was Atlas Shrugged (Part 1) and featured presentations by the movie's producers, the executive director of the Ayn Rand Foundation, and syndicated talk show host Chris Plante.
9/7/17, 12:49 PM
- Cuzzin Rick said...
It is just a matter of waiting... and you'll eventually be able to stream anything that hits movie theaters first. That distribution model is going to change soon, as well........
9/7/17, 1:05 PM
- Chris in NC said...
I go almost every week. Usually to see a movie I've already seen. I'll buy a ticket to the 7:00 Friday night movie of a movie I haven't seen then after that movie I'll jump from theater to theater taking in 2 or 3 more either parts of movies or full movies that I have or have not seen. And, yes, I know I'm stealing movie watching but fuck em.
9/7/17, 1:20 PM
- MAX Redline said...
Nope. Don't like 'em, won't pay to go in one. Might be different if they actually showed the film instead of half an hour of loud ads. Why pay for that crap?
9/7/17, 3:31 PM
- Ralph Gizzip said...
I've been to a few but only to take the munchkins.
Dr. Strange
Star Wars #7
Star Wars: Rogue One
I do it because the wife won't. -
9/7/17, 7:35 PM
drew458 said...
Can't remember. Saw the LOTR films, might have seen one of the early Pirates of the Carib bean. Stopped going; the screens had shrunk down to nothing, the floors were bare concrete, and the seats were ones that the airlines had rejected as being too small and uncomfortable. The only movie theater in our county was torn down most of a decade ago, and even with federal arts funding the old movie house in the next county up couldn't cut it. It's a dying breed. OTOH, there has hardly been a film worth watching in ages. Comic book flicks about teenagers with magical invincible powers turns me off, excessive amounts of CGI, and the endless cash grabbing remakes and volume 2,3,4,5, 817 just make me shake my head. Find some new ideas already, and actually film things.
wow, only 5 clicks to get through Captcha. It's a miracle. -
9/7/17, 10:27 PM
David said...
My dear wife and I used to go every weekend (30 years ago) but sometime in the last 20 years we discovered that we were tired of paying the entire contents of our wallets for a small popcorn and two hours of suck.
9/8/17, 3:16 AM
Walter said...
What's a "movie theater" ?
9/8/17, 4:01 AM
- Linda Fox said...
My kids generally take me over Christmas vacation - we like action movies. Most of them suck now, though.
9/8/17, 7:15 AM
- LivingFossil said...
Haven't been to one in years! Too much sex and violence and that's in the audience!
9/8/17, 9:11 AM
- Esteve said...
Took my grand kids to a movie in July. Second time in 4 years. Maybe 12 other people in the theater. I would be fine if it was my last one.
9/9/17, 10:04 PM
Anonymous said...
For us it's more about how people in the audience behave than the piss-poor quality of the movies being made. If it's not some nutso shooting up the theater, it's just people who don't understand the concept of "decorum".
Ann Hedonic & Sam Paku -
9/11/17, 8:49 PM
Anonymous said...
OK, we tried three times to post our comment. We don't know why, but you're fucking with us.
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
9/11/17, 8:51 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I have no idea why Blogger keeps doing this. Please keep up comments.
9/12/17, 6:20 PM