Richland Township police say that William Robert Dunbar of Berlin,
Pennsylvania was on duty at the Army National Guard Training Center
when he allegedly said, “If someone pays me enough money, I will kill
the vice president.”
Witnesses contacted both the superior officers and local authorities to
report what they overheard. In fact, Dunbar supposedly made the offer
at least twice.
immediate take was to recommend that Dunbar be tried by a
military tribunal, found guilty (duh), and exectuted.
Sigh. |
This isn’t the first time a disturbed individual has threatened to harm
the president, vice president, or successors to the presidency. These
are crimes under the federal statute 18 U.S. Code § 871. The law states
that whoever “knowingly and willfully” writes a document or mails a
“written document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap,
or to inflict bodily harm… or otherwise makes any such threat against
the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in
the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice
President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than five years, or both.”
That means that no one can make such boasts without facing serious
criminal punishment. Many conservatives wonder if the number of kooks
have increased because of the constant propaganda displayed by leftist
news outlets.
The major networks and many “talk” shows continually promote the idea
that President Trump colluded with Russia or that he is somehow racist,
both of which are false. That sort of daily indoctrination, which is
also fueled by the education system, can have a dangerous impact on
people who aren’t mentally sound, or who don’t have the ability to
apply logic to what they hear. [FULL]