Saturday, October 21, 2017


               We need to infiltrate—redefine—
and destroy .. the Catholic Church

John Podesta

The Miracle of the Sun (Portuguese: O milagre do sol), also known as the Miracle of Fátima, refers to an event that allegedly occurred on 13 October 1917 above a large crowd who had gathered near Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children. The prophecy was that the Virgin Mary (referred to as Our Lady of Fatima), would appear and perform miracles on that date. Newspapers published testimony from reporters and other people who claimed to have witnessed extraordinary solar activity, such as the sun appearing to "dance" or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes. [Wikipedia]

Front Page News: The Miracle of the Sun | Anti-Clerical Press newspaper reported

Last week marked the 100th anniversary of the Fatima "Miracle of the Sun." This is all I'll say about it.

!n 1917 Portugal was governed by an overtly secular government that had clamped down on religion.  Specifically, the Catholic Church.  Here's what's important about it. 

When the Blessed Mother first appeared before the three children, in the small town of Fatima (a place that was still steadfastly Catholic), it created quite a stir.  The government reacted by threatening the children with being thrown into a vat of boiling oil if they didn't recant.  They refused, and their notoriety only grew.   That said, the fulmination of Mary's appearances before the kids was when she told them she would appear before any who cared, on a date and time certain. 

The event drew thousand of believers
and skeptics.  They gathered during the night,  enduring a cold pouring rain.  The secular press was well represented; their aim: to finally debunk this talk of "miracles."  The rest is history.  Not only did Mary appear, she announced she would make the sun dance.  And it did. The rain soaked ground, and  wet clothing were dried. Newspaper reports, by a decidedly leftist press, grudgingly reported the miracle factually.

It happened. It was well documented.  It as real.  For what it's worth.


Anonymous said...

Ron in Ohio Sez;

Rog, I just gotta' respond to 3) of your excellent posts today and, I'm gonna' do it all at once - The most important one first:

I am not Catholic (I grew up in Miami and Hollywood, Florida. I like to say that I went to school with Italians, Jews, Seminole Indians and Alabama Rednecks Therefore, I have a healthy respect for different ethnicity and cultures even if this was before segregation, which I was for). I remember, as a child, seeing the 1952 movie, "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" - It had a lasting impression on my young, impressionable mind. So much so that I researched it and my research only validated what I had seen in the movie.

2) Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Oh Rog, the abject ignorance is astounding for those who are so blind that they cannot see - Or try! - Something so delicious and healthful as this Brussels Sprouts dish. I too had to be coaxed into trying Brussels Sprouts many years ago (Not so with Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale or Spinach). All it takes is the right recipe and a good cook to turn the worst skeptic. At only 88¢/Lb. on special at our local Aldi, we have already bought 3 pkgs. and with this recipe I'm thinking of going back for a few more. By-the-way - by doing a search (I always use DuckDuckGo) for "Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts w/ Bacon and Shallot" or "Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts" your gonna' find recipes in the former and lots of variations in the latter that are sure to please everyone - IF - They'll only try it.

3) No doubt; they are real (Rated "Boobs"):
Stu's comments on the facial piercings (And elsewhere) are right on the money as far as I'm concerned. Any woman who must resort to that sort of piercing and tattooing personal mutilation is a very insecure person. A woman's beauty, to a man, is just in being a woman. I've always said, there is a beauty in all women without cosmetic or other enhancements, a person only needs to look for it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

We have today's most excellent comment, Clap, Calp, Clap

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