just in
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, October 02, 2017
GUN CONTROL cries Brokaw
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
drew458 said...
This is a terrible occurrence, and yes, it was fully automatic fire, of hundreds if not at least a thousand rounds. My guess is it was AKs. And within 3 or 4 days, the AWB / gun control thing is going nuclear. The news heads are already calling this the "threshold event". At the very least, expect a MAJOR mental health exam law, and kiss your Class III goodbye.
It's going to be ugly, and it's going to be very very hard to hold back the tide. -
10/2/17, 11:46 AM
- Skoonj said...
There was a fully auto gun firing. Not only that, if you listen to the sound of it, it HAS to be more than 30 rounds. Could it be 7.62? Maybe, but I don't know about that. He did no apparent aiming, but the equivalent of spray and pray. The sound may have been louder because of the shape of the building, which is kind of like a cup.
He's 64 years of age, and attacked a country music festival. Maybe he's a copycat of the guy who shot up the Republicans who were practicing baseball in NE Virginia. He was also older, and convinced to kill Republicans by the leftist/Democrat propaganda around.
if I were with the cops I would check the time of death of this guy. Not an easy thing to imagine, but say another person was there. Let's say Paddock was just an unfortunate victim, kidnapped, drugged, and shot to death by the other person even before the other shooting started. The other person actually had an escape plan, and made good on it before the cops arrived at the door. Hell, maybe he had another room on the same floor, or a floor or two separated. That might divert the cops from the actual perp.
The woman was Paddock's girl friend, and also worked at a strip hotel. Maybe Mandalay. Though the cops say she's no longer a suspect I would continue to keep an eye on her. She looks to be a Filipina, which means there's at least a long shot possibility she has connections with a Philippine terrorist organization.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. -
10/2/17, 12:02 PM
- Chris in NC said...
Dude was an islamic convert. Isis is taking credit. same shit different day. Rather than blame islam they'll go for the guns
10/2/17, 12:26 PM
- Unknown said...
I believe (based on the sound recorded from 32 floors down, and on opinions expressed by people with far more expertise and experience than me) that he was using an actual machine gun (some SAW variant), not a selective-fire or altered semi-auto battle rifle.
Skoonj has updated his original e-mail about this (which you published) a couple of times. I like his speculation about this shooter having been inspired by the shooting of Steve Scalise and others at the ballfield in Virginia, but the MSM would rather this shooter be painted as a homegrown jihadi than as a radical Leftist. I also think Skoonj's speculation about Stephen Paddock possibly having been a patsy is worth investigating, except that today's FBI is compromised by politics and can no longer be counted on to conduct a comprehensive and corruption-free investigation.
And let's just see which talking heads are the first to try to make names for themselves by blaming this on Trump; it'll be interesting to see if Stephen Colbert, for example, will be able to refrain from his compulsive nightly Trump-bashing. -
10/2/17, 8:56 PM
- Skoonj said...
Learned about this today. My wife, Flora, was offered a ticket to the concert near Mandalay Bay that was attacked by Stephen Paddock. Since it was a concert into the evening, and she had to wake up at 2 a.m., she decided against going. Other friends did go. One, a manager at Payard and a co-worker, managed to survive uninjured. Another, a friend and former co-worker, went to the show and was killed. Angela Gomez, 20, who was living in Riverside, Calif., didn't make it. Flora just found out about this. She is shaken, and very glad she doesn't accept event and party invitations during the work week. She liked Angela very much, and will miss her.
10/6/17, 9:03 PM