scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 07, 2017
A Legal Sawed Off Shotgun?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
But can you hold it sideways?
12/7/17, 10:15 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Uh ... yeah?
12/7/17, 10:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, I thinkk anon #1 is referring to the gag "side sight" that bro's in the hood can buy to use when they hold their pistols like *all* gangstas (who don't know how to shoot) do....
Personally, I'd opt for the Taurus "Judge". -
12/7/17, 12:14 PM
- Eskyman said...
Well, that was a remarkably uninformative video. All I know is that this pistol is barely legal (in Canada?) and kicks like a mule.
Well, duh.
I'd like to see the pattern, if he'd shot a normal load of 00 buck- or perhaps #4 buck. With that, it might be a very effective home defense weapon. Because of our silly unconstitutional gun laws, a sawed-off shotgun is illegal, but that's what would be ideal for home defense (and for warfare, especially trench or urban combat.) With very short barrels, the shot spreads much more.
Despite Hollywood's flights of fiction, shotguns do need to be aimed; even with 18" barrels they don't spread a great deal when we're talking about ranges of 10 yards or less, so a pistol with a 6" barrel may be the right tool for the job when you're attacked by 3 or 4 thugs at close range.
I fail to see why anyone would choose to shoot a 12ga slug from a pistol (except maybe they like pain in their hand?) but I guess he thinks it was fun! -
12/7/17, 1:05 PM
- Unknown said...
I defer to a higher authority on such issues: -
12/7/17, 1:47 PM
- DougM said...
I like my newish toy, the KSG.
26" overall length, incl. 18.5" bbl (so not a short-bbl and not pistol, just a regula-paperwork shotgun)
With Aguila minishells, the recoil is minimal, but the close-range effect is almost as good as shoulder-bruising, full-power ammo. The Rossi pistol would probably be a lot more practical with this ammo, too.
Call me old-fashioned, but single-shot guns are for use on sailing ships. -
12/7/17, 11:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Doug M, that Hank Strange vid was from 2014?
Hey, it even comes in Desert Tan! I gotta have one! -
12/7/17, 11:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Word: Mossberg Shockwave.
You're welcome.
Sir H the Comet. -
12/8/17, 7:04 AM
Anonymous said...
Have owned and enjoyed shooting a Tromix shorty for a number of years.
Check it out. -
12/8/17, 8:10 AM
Anonymous said...
"Tromp shorty"? The vid is of a Saiga semi-auto. Same thing? It looks pretty awesome.
12/8/17, 10:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Tromix Lead Delivery Systems. Tony Rumor developer of the .458 SOCOM, is one of the first to build custom Saigas. His work is the very best. The shotgun in the video was built by the person you see in the video but is similar to what Tromix LDS used to build; only Tony's is much better in that it has an adjustable gas system; custom trigger group along with H&K sights, excellent muzzle break and other custom features. Tromix no longer builds these but you can buy parts for DIY conversions.
12/8/17, 12:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Muzzle "break"?? Really??
12/8/17, 2:16 PM
Anonymous said...
OOPS!! Muzzle Brake- I could use a break.
12/8/17, 3:32 PM
Rip Tide said...
Does it come in 10 gauge and capable of handling 3.5" high brass loaded with flechettes ? Got some Antifa thuggery to take care of.....
12/8/17, 3:35 PM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
So... what's missing? The blood-chilling sound of a 12-guage round being jacked into the chamber of a pump-action home defense weapon.
12/9/17, 6:45 AM
Anonymous said...
With all due respect, Murphy, I always chuckle at those who say "just the sound of a shotgun being racked will strike fear into a burglar". Break into MY house and you won't hear a thing, because my shotgun is ALREADY racked; it's cocked-and-locked just like my 1911. You might see the flash, because light travels so much faster than sound, but it'll be the very last thing you see.
Moo-lin-yan Nabo-li-don -
12/10/17, 8:09 AM