scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, December 18, 2017
One Picture. Ten Mil Words
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Reconstruction continues...
12/18/17, 9:34 PM
Anonymous said...
They can do that crap on their own time, but not on company time. There are rules and the rule breaking copycat cee you en tees should be dismissed, not the university president.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/18/17, 9:38 PM
- pdwalker said...
They may hate the US now, but they’ll sure miss it when it’s gone.
Idiots. -
12/18/17, 10:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Black people still hate America. Got it.
And how courageous of those cheerleaders.
Steve in Greensboro -
12/19/17, 12:58 AM
- Don Curton said...
Cheerleaders on their knees. Sure brings up a different image in my mind, but I probably shouldn't Google it.
12/19/17, 6:43 AM
Anonymous said...
What's wrong here?
Let's see... Kennesaw State University has a Professor of Conflict Management, (used to be "conflict" was "managed" in a parking lot or near-by back street,) , they offer Pan-African Studies, (??? Will a degree in this get anyone a Fortune 500 job? A burger flipper job?) they have a mascot named "Scrappy" (obvious gelding.)
So who's the winner here? Probably University President Sam Olens, who, despite some grief and bad press now, will be long gone when this gets worse, and it will get worse. -
12/19/17, 7:40 AM
- toadold said...
"What's that Lassie? A black girl stole your dog food?"
12/19/17, 8:19 AM
- rickn8or said...
I notice who's standing and who's not.
12/19/17, 10:43 AM
- Unknown said...
Oh, how Kennesaw has fallen! Kennesaw Mountain was the site of a battle in which the Confederates really whupped the North's ass (you might remember we once had a Commissioner of Major League Baseball named "Kennesaw Mountain Landis"). You can still dig up minié balls there. More recently, when Morton Grove, Illinois passed a law forbidding any resident from owning a gun, Kennesaw, Georgia answered by passing a law requiring every household to be armed (although it never came down to having the local cops breaking down a door and saying, "We've got a search warrant, and if we don't find any guns in your house, you're in big trouble!"). Burglary rates, already low, evaporated to zilch/zero/nada/nichevo.
12/19/17, 1:56 PM
Tom Smith said...
Went to school there..........used to be rather conservative. Olens resigned because he wasnt allowed to run the place as President. So rather than bow down he resigned. Life too short.
12/19/17, 8:08 PM
Anonymous said...
They keep telling us how to change our thoughts, because they presuppose what our thoughts are.
What they do not understand is, as prophets of the cult of self-fulfillment, their actions are causing many of us to change our thoughts to just exactly what they presuppose. I do not think they understand what that means.
Because it follows that, if we are presupposed to be guilty of thought crimes, against which we are allowed no defense or redemption, because, you know, of some alleged privilege, then we may as well enjoy our criminalization, and really give them something to find offensive. BFYTW.
Sir H the Comet -
12/19/17, 10:38 PM
Anonymous said...
We understand completely, Sir H! And thanks for teaching us a new acronym. Well, technically it's not an acronym because it's unpronounceable.
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
12/19/17, 11:41 PM