Wednesday, January 31, 2018

And stay out!

Luis Gutierrez, the illegal alien-loving congressman from Illinois, appeared to be triggered during President Trump’s soaring rhetoric during the State of the Union address and fled the House chamber.
Trump praised the Capitol building, calling it a monument to the American people.
As applause broke out, so did chants of “USA! USA! USA!”
Gutierrez left his seat as several Democrats patted him on the arm as he retreated to a safe space.  Watch


Anonymous said...

Chickletts Boy {Gutierrez} can't get out fast enough.
Along the way I hope someone has the orbs to start a investigation
into him paying his wife and daughter tons of money from his political


Anonymous said...

Trump introduced heroes.
Obama introduced victims.

Eskyman said...

What a fan-tastic SOTU speech! No wonder the Dems are sour (well, sour-er, I guess.)

Very inclusive speech, it included all Americans; not those who want to prey on us or take advantage of us. Which leaves out Dems, so all they could do was sit on their hands and glower.

President Trump really did hit it right out of the park, though personally I would have liked some tougher language. He's right though- now the Dems are left high & dry, he's held out his hand for bipartisanship & if they bite it- then everyone will see who's the rabid dog in this goverment!

(Speaking of rabid dogs, did you see Madame Pelousy? LOL, if she had any teeth left they're ground to stubs!)

Drew458 said...

I'm undecided on who was the bigger Grinch. Nasty Nancy, or the uppity SOBs of the CBC, sitting there are glum and pissy, with their phony afro-theme ties and sashes, self-segregated in their little 'hood, looking bored and annoyed when President Trump mentioned that black unemployment was at the lowest rate since Nixon was in the WH. OMG, they suck.

Anonymous said...

Rodge - you hate Microsoft; I hate Gutierrez, a racist, lying, spittle-spluttering POS who cannot say a word without spewing hatred.
Together, we have them covered.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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