Monday, January 22, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel's in a way down trajectory

Video Captures Moment People Literally Thought Trump and MLK Got Into Fight
Comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s self-appointed role as the demagogic conscience of the reactionary, uninformed wing of the American left has worn thin fast.

That, alas, has made it sometimes difficult to remember that the ABC late night host — for all of his belligerent sanctimony — is surprisingly capable of incisive cultural commentary when he tries.
Perhaps the best example of this is his segment “Lie Witness News,” where Kimmel’s camera crew hits the streets of Hollywood to ask people about things that are, well, blatant lies. For reasons unknown to God and man, people inexplicably go along with it (although I suspect it has something to do with the arrant stupidity of Californians or some sort of psychosocial tendency to believe anyone with a camera and a microphone that perhaps Stanley Milgram could better explain).
While this edition of “Lie Witness News” wasn’t quite as epic as the one where people actually congratulated North Korea on detonating a hydrogen bomb, it managed to come awfully close — particularly given the outrageous subject matter.
“It’s President Trump’s first MLK Day in office, and we wanted to do something special to commemorate that,” Kimmel told his audience Monday. “So we went out on the streets this afternoon and we asked people, ‘Whose side are you on in the Donald Trump-Dr. King Twitter war?’”
“Of course, Dr. Martin Luther King has been gone for 50 years,” Kimmel added as his audience laughed. “But did that stop people from weighing in on this impossible feud? No, it did not.”
The segment began with an interviewer asking people on the street, “We’re talking to people today about the big Twitter war that’s going on between Donald Trump and Dr. Martin Luther King. Why do those two not get along?” Cue absurdity: [FULL]


Tom Smith said...

Two things; people are generally stupid and you can double the odds in California and triple them if your subject is younger than 50, and people still trust that a reporter knows what they are talking about and will not question the premise.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Kimmel dumped his wife for super slut Sarah Silverman (later dumped)_ so we know he's no mental heavyweight. At best. At least, he's a scum bag.

Anonymous said...

when you force a commercial on me in order to watch a brief video clip, I have a strong negative reaction to you and to the subject matter. So I do not watch them.

watsonrg said...

Never heard of AdBlock?

Eskyman said...

Well, it's California, and so the chances of Kimmel asking a conservative any questions is minimal; the idiocy is normal (I know, I live here.)

These people are intelligent, educated, higly moral nitwits of the purest ray serene, and they can't be expected to know little things like history. Logic and reasoning has never been taught to them, and they swallow impossibilities whole every day of their enlightened lives.

Some here may remember that the Eloi were never aware of the Morlocks. They just couldn't see them! Here, the CA liberals just can't see facts that are plainly in front of their faces.

Kimmel is demonstrating the blindness of the liberal. The amazing part to me is that he showed this clip!

Anonymous said...

"Being completely uninformed is precisely how most liberals stay liberal." - Ann Coulter


Juice said...

You know what Eskyman shared is so true. As a native Californian (evac'ed in '09) I am surprised that Kimmel makes fun of his own (base) brain dead peeps and they still watch his show. And yet, the stupidity always amazes me while these people present their most thoughtful and knowledgeable faces. Crazy funny, except, I think they vote. And that makes this scary.

Unknown said...

What gets to me is how these people will say, "Yes, I remember that episode" (of an episode that DOES.NOT.FUCKING.EXIST). So, they're not just numbingly, dangerously ignorant; they have learned how to be facile liars.

Eskyman said...

Ronald Reagan, who was Governor back when CA was still the "Golden State," said it best:

'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.'

Can't add much to that!

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