Thursday, March 22, 2018

Ice Capades

Sorry .. The laughing made me laugh


DougM said...

Thanks, Rodge, I needed that reminder of why I didn't move back to MI.

Murphy(AZ) said...

71 degrees here at 0400 this morning. Only ice is in the freezer. Thanks for the laughs.

rwnutjob said...

Why are you getting in a car when the ice is so bad you can't stand up? WTF you think will happen?

Juice said...

Once. Only once we experienced that in Gresham OR following an ice storm. It was time to head back to CA and we did that slip and slide thing! It's crazy fun all the while you complain.

Eskyman said...

Every time I think I'll move away from Communist Kalifornia, I see something like this.

So every time I change my mind. Even Moonbat Brown can't screw up the weather!

Tom Smith said...

Not sure why but it was the wimmin that were laughing.

pdwalker said...

Been there, done that. And now I live in a sub tropical climate.

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