scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, March 05, 2018
This is my rifle. This is my ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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- Skoonj said...
I found out about the M1 release at the SHOT Show. There is another cache of M1s the South Koreans have, but I couldn't learn when they will be available, if ever.
I also asked about surplus M14s. I was told they will never be made available, since they have an automatic fire capability. You need a special part to make that work, but no, once an auto always an auto to them. There is always the M1A, which is available commercially. Oddly enough, all the heat is on the AR15 as the bad boy. But the M1A is a much better rifle, and my personal favorite. -
3/5/18, 9:40 AM
Drew458 said...
Somehow I'm expecting these rifles to be in really poor condition. "Rack grade" might be the best you could expect even after the CMP fixes them up.
Good enough for deer hunting with softpoint ammo. -
3/5/18, 10:36 AM
- Eskyman said...
The comments in that article say that these Garands, M1 Carbines and 1911 pistols will be expensive even through the CMA.
Much as I'd like to have a piece of history, it's hard to justify paying around $1000 for an old 1911 when you can get a new Colt or Kimber for around those prices; so I hope the reality is that they're affordable.
As one commenter there put it, "We paid for them with our taxes ::; Should we have to pay again???????" -
3/5/18, 11:10 AM
- rickn8or said...
The arbitrary decision that the 1911s couldn't be bought with a Curio and Relic FFL was the deal-breaker for me. Go through TWO background checks from the same database within days of each other, plus pay the dealer transfer fee for a luck-of-the-draw item? Not for sale at the Anniston, AL store?
Keep 'em CMP; I'll stick with my much-more-rare-but-reasonably-priced Sistema Colts. And thanks for bumping the value of my Garand... -
3/5/18, 1:58 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
I bought my M1 from the AL CMP store a few years ago. The muzzle was rated between 1-2 with the chamber throat at 2. It came with all new dark walnut furniture. The rifle listed as "Service Grade" with a NM op rod, Springfield receiver, Winchester trigger assy. and bolt. The serial # lists it as being a mid-1955 manufacture and the finish is impeccable. The only special instructions I listed on the order form was that the wood be walnut. CMP delivered the Garand inside of three weeks after I placed the order. It came packed in a new Plano OD green rifle case. Upon opening the box and the case, I was floored by its pristine condition and appearance. My local FFL guys were likewise impressed when I showed them "Big Bad John". I said I paid $625 for it and they immediately offered me twice that after checking it out. I said no and left their store as the sight of grown men crying made me uneasy. Having run copious amounts of Greek and Korean mil-surp. .30-06 ammo through it, I have determined that this is a keeper. At two hundred yards, BBJ is a dead-nut shooter through open sights. Right after I acquired this rifle, there was a huge run on Garands at CMP. The upper grade M1s went fast and the "rack" and "field" grades got depleted quickly, also. Now, it takes forever to get the orders filled as the back round checks take a long time to process. I wish everyone trying to get one of the latest rifles and/or pistols from CMP lots of luck. "Big Bad John" is here to stay. For last Christmas my brother gave me a new Remington R1 1911 .45cal ACP. Now my bucket list is complete. Molon Labe !!
3/5/18, 3:46 PM