scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Something smells here ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
HFS, I can't imagine why anyone would want to be there. Besides which, Whoopi is way past child-bearing age, so the issue is moot to her. She has no standing in the abortion issue. She's just a foul-mouthed has been, virtue signalling, trying to appear relevant. Maybe she should put on a pussy hat so someone might notice her.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
6/28/18, 11:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Stay classy, Whoopi.
Alex Craimont -
6/28/18, 11:24 PM
- Steve in Greensboro said...
Hopefully the judicial fiat known as Roe v. Wade can be overturned and the issue of abortion regulation can be sent back to the states where it belongs. Then NY and CA can allow child murder up to the 40th trimester and all the commies can move back there. And get the hell out of my Old North State.
6/29/18, 2:54 AM
- James Hooker - Nipple Whisperer said...
Wow! I'm getting a chubby just from the image of me snuggling down and smooching on that thang!
6/29/18, 5:41 AM
bocopro said...
Maybe I'm just a cold sumbitch, but except for women I know personally, I really couldn't care less what females do with their bodies so long as they don't do it in my face or make a public mess in the act. And I CERTAINly don't want 'em havin a buncha brats that they neither want nor can properly raise.
As for abortion and birth control, my views are complex, convoluted, and often self-contradictory, but on one facet of the issue I am resolved and firm: I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR THEIR ABORTIONS OR THEIR BABIES, and I don't believe anybody else's tax dollars should either.
Wanna spend your life screwin and not get stretchmarks? Get your goddam tubes tied! -
6/29/18, 6:02 AM
- Eskyman said...
According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica:
"Black hole, cosmic body of extremely intense gravity from which nothing, not even light, can escape. A black hole can be formed by the death of a massive star."
The View is where massive bodies, that once were stars, go to die.
No one should get near a black hole, lest they be sucked in. There is massive suck around a black hole! -
6/29/18, 1:23 PM
Leonard Jones said...
Eskyman, I wouldn't touch that nasty gash with my worst enemies member!
I hope she has a private jet because if she ever got patted down by the
TSA, they would find a hundred pounds of crack under her dress.
6/29/18, 4:33 PM
- JLW III said...
Something smells a little fishy here.
(That one just wrote itself.)
OT: Guess who was heading up Bestgate yesterday at about 2:46pm. -
6/29/18, 5:57 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Dammit joe, almost immediately after posting this I wanted to use fishy, but couldn’t figure hoe to use my iPad deal do it.
6/29/18, 6:22 PM
Cheezy said...
Lady, your gynecologist probably medicates heavily prior to going....'there', and laments all the money & time that ultimately ended up with an adventure in fishy spelunking.....
6/30/18, 3:22 PM