scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, December 31, 2018
It’s all crap
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I use these safes because I can't afford the good kind. Besides I'm counting on any thief that breaks into home to be low tech and not wanting to lug heavy pieces of metal around.
12/31/18, 10:59 AM
- Eskyman said...
Thank God most thieves are stupid, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that old cons teach the new guys about this in prison.
I'm solving the problem of where to keep my valuables by not having any valuables, but this may not work for everyone and I don't recommend it! -
12/31/18, 1:26 PM
- LivingFossil said...
I agree with Anonymous because he's a good looking guy and wouldn't lie.
12/31/18, 5:39 PM
Anonymous said...
If they're not bolted down, you can just tip one side up and drop it and the door will open. No magnet required.
12/31/18, 9:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I can do better than 5 seconds.
A quarter stick of dynamite opens it in about 0.004 milliseconds. Might not ever find the safe though.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/31/18, 10:41 PM
- Whoopie said...
Most gun "safes" are a joke. The UL doesn't even call then a safe, but rather a "residential security container" (RSC rated). The doors are heavy and impressive, with locking bolts. But the top, sides and back are easily cut through with a lithium powered angle grinder. Even so, the RSC rating means the box must withstand attack by one person using hand tools (hammer and pry bar) for at least 5 minutes.
1/1/19, 12:24 PM
Anonymous said...
I opened my stack-on quick access biometric safe in about a minute with a screwdriver. Tear off the glued on rubber trim and stick a screwdriver through the convenient hole.
1/4/19, 5:16 PM