scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Death Of ....
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
When can we watch the real thing? The sooner the better, preferably with a substantial humiliation first.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/28/19, 3:53 PM
- Skoonj said...
That sounds great. BUT: I think the Republican Party will hit bottom as soon or sooner than the Democrats.
8/28/19, 6:50 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
If that happens it sure gives the Barn Army Missiles a very low failure threshold
8/28/19, 8:44 PM
- HMS Defiant said...
that was just brilliant!
8/28/19, 11:31 PM
- James Hooker, Nipple Whisperer said...
I watched this a while back. Lottsa laughs. Fixed dinner. Watched it again.
8/29/19, 5:53 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Great movie. Like JH, I watched it more than once. It's a comedy, but it's also an instructional video for what it's getting to be like as the country continues its "progress".
8/30/19, 4:32 AM
Leonard Jones said...
Just added it to my Netflix queue. I am one of those rare people who have
never fallen for the "we are doomed" crowd. The American left is in an
absolute death spiral. They are driving the Demo☭rat party into a ditch
after throwing the throttle into "Ludicrous Speed." Alexandria Empty Cortex
and the rest of "Squad" need to be given bullhorns and be the face of the
party all the way up to next November's election.
If they keep this up, the Donks are going get their asses stomped like a
Narc at a biker rally! BJ Billy and lesbian wife took advantage of the
Reagan/George HW Bush economy, but Ojugears so pooched the economy that
even modest tax cuts and deregulations would have caused the economy to soar!
2016 was a voter revolt. The American people knew that Felonia von Pantsuit
would complete the fundamental transformation of America that Ojugears promised.
You have to add pResident Merkin Muffly (Obama) to the list of the destroyers
of the Demo☭rat party.
8/30/19, 2:50 PM
- capt fast said...
best line of the entire file was "how can you run and plot at the same time?". it is so democrat.
8/30/19, 4:12 PM