scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, September 05, 2020
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Linda Sue O'Grady said...
This is a test comment.
9/5/20, 2:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Normal in that those are two dogs, a lap with a weird newspaper headline, sure.
P.S. Welcome back! -
9/5/20, 4:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger! You're back! Yayyyyy!!
The pic is just fine.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/5/20, 4:56 PM
- Linda Sue O'Grady said...
LOL Vilmar, that's a bag of dog treats on my lap.
9/5/20, 5:00 PM
- Merrill said...
9/5/20, 5:15 PM
- HMS Defiant said...
I was worried about you. Glad to see you're back!@!!!
9/5/20, 5:15 PM
MrJimm said...
Rog, I've been checking your website literally every day for the past couple of months, but it looks different today for some reason.
And I do understand what 'literally' literally means.
Good thing I never got around to cleaning out my bookmark toolbar. Welcome back! -
9/5/20, 6:29 PM
- Cuzzin Rick said...
Yep!...Look good to me Cuz
9/6/20, 1:22 AM
Sir H said...
We serve at your convenience, my Liege.
Sir H the Comet -
9/6/20, 7:36 AM
- Jon said...
It is great to see sumpin here !! Post looks fine.
9/6/20, 8:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Looks normal to these eyes, Majesty.
Although, truth be told, Lucy looks like she wouldn't mind eating my soul... Thank God for those treats on your lap.
Al Shabbah -
9/6/20, 9:23 AM
Anonymous said...
I see a white and black dog on the left, and a black dog on the right.
The newspaper reads "On her lambesty's salmon service".
If that's what you posted, then the test post is normal, and passed.
Carry on. That is all. Out.
Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman
III-per -
9/6/20, 3:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Welcome back Linda Sue O'Grady and her dogs!
Dint mean to leave you out first go-round. i got all het up seeing Rodg's place open again.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/6/20, 4:06 PM
- Benji40 said...
Glad you're posting.
9/6/20, 4:57 PM
- Drew458 said...
Looks OK; let 'er rip!
9/6/20, 9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Post looks fine, Blogger has changed. Another blogger I follow is tired of Blogger and is looking for an alternative. Good to see you back Roger. You are a daily view for me as well.
Bolivar -
9/7/20, 7:48 AM
- oldvet1950 said...
Glad to see you're back!
9/7/20, 8:40 AM
- Eskyman said...
Good to see your site active again! Like others, I was worried about you.
Now I hate to break it to you... but your site has gone to the dogs!
But that's just the way it should be. Welcome back!
9/7/20, 1:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice Dawgz
e~C -
9/7/20, 2:53 PM
- JLW III said...
You left a message on my phone. I tried calling back on that number as well as the one in my business database, I didn’t even get voicemail; just RNA, ring no answer. Unfortunately my health has deteriorated significantly since I last saw you and the lockdown hasn’t been kind to me either. I’d like to show you the two 80%s I have. I built one and tested it at AAF&G. I also have another to build.
9/7/20, 3:30 PM
- JLW III said...
Just another question. Are the maintenance schedules up to date on the B52? We have acquired many more potential targets recently and need to make some training flights before we load up the MOABs and nukes. The whole crew is rusty.
9/7/20, 3:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Looks good. Miss your posts.
9/7/20, 3:47 PM
OldTexan said...
Roger, looking good and glad to see your coming back, we need a Real King of France, or something.
9/7/20, 5:48 PM
- Antiquary8 said...
Glad to see you back, Roger!
I've recently lost a sister, can't imagine how bad losing a wife must be... -
9/7/20, 9:01 PM
- Larry R Kephart said...
Looks good to me. I see you've escaped so I won't pay the ransom.
9/8/20, 6:59 AM
- OregonGuy said...
Welcome back.
. -
9/8/20, 12:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Hi Linda SOG ,
Good to see activity here.
Will continue to watch for further info.
Cheers to all!
--mech -
9/8/20, 4:52 PM
- Malcolm Kirkpatrick said...
Normal? Not in the least. Lucy looks possessed.
9/9/20, 12:40 AM
- Laughing Wolf said...
Looking good here! Give those pups a skritch for me please.
LW -
9/9/20, 2:31 AM
- Juice said...
Normal? Normal?!
Don't you mean beautiful?
Or maybe most awesome,Dude? lol
Yes. Perfectly operational as it appears now.
So glad to see you back boss. -
9/9/20, 1:31 PM