Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bad People
"The Democratic Party has decided to express indignation at the idea that an American citizen who happens to be a member of al-Qaida is not allowed to have a private conversation with Osama bin Laden. If they run on that in 2008, it could be the first time in history a Republican president takes even the District of Columbia.

"On this one, I'm pretty sure Americans are going with the president.

If the Democrats had any brains, they'd distance themselves from the cranks demanding Bush's impeachment for listening in on terrorists' phone calls to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. (Then again, if they had any brains, they'd be Republicans.)

"To the contrary! It is Democrats like Sen. Barbara Boxer who are leading the charge to have Bush impeached for spying on people with Osama's cell phone number.

"That's all you need to know about the Democrats to remember that they can't be trusted with national security. (That and Jimmy Carter.)"  -Why we don't trust you with national security
I agree with this, and so do you.  Even democrats would agree with it -  if Kerry or Gore were in the White house, but Democrats put  politics over country, so I'll be pleased to see them get whatever it is that's in store for them .. in this life or another.  Some, like Reed, Howard Dean, Pelosi, Kennedy, and many at the New York Times can be legitimately tried, and executed, for treason. Too bad we don't have the stomach, it'll be our undoing.


Anonymous said...

"On this one, I'm pretty sure Americans are going with the president." Let's hope.

Little story:
I worked for (PacBell) Cingular Wireless national call center (when it was the only one). There was this *fat* caucasion chick who always wore one of those muslim scarves on her head and long skirts. [My jaded interpretation was she couldn't find a regular-guy to marry her so she took and coverted to whatever she could get.] Anywhoo, I digress...

When the attack on the USS Cole happened, we learned her husband from Yemen and was making a number of phone calls to "home" (prolly family). It made me feel very uncomfortable for her tell us that.
After 9/11 (Bush now in office)
the FBI came to interview her one day. My point to all this????

I WAS HAPPY to know that the FBI was informed, by whatever means, and followed up!! I was and am so glad that GWB was in the White House. PLEASE DO.... tap some wires. joyce

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nice anecdote! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

These Dihim-crats are the worst rat bastards I have seen in my 57 years. Sons-a-bitches. Like that thing you had posted of the gallows for traitors. It is freeking unbelieveable how they have sunk to the lower than lowest level to harm this country, you, me, our families, our troops and the Iraqi people. Just to name a few.
And I hope our JD takes these bastards and runs the damn law right up their asses, lock them up and throw away the flippin keys.

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