Thursday, January 19, 2006

Democrats and a- Qaeda hold crime summits.

Today's Premium Content
Here's today's almost-right-half-the-time political analysis.  This morning we had Donk Sen. Evan Bayh making the rounds on the morning shows touting a Senate resolution he will be making (not made, will make) calling for nations united - not United Nations -  to get tough [sanctions] on Iran. Yesterday  Bill Clinton's wife attacked Bush during a speech at Princeton for ignoring the threat  from Iran. 

There had to have been a recent crime summit held, where democrats learned that internal polling shows that the party of appeasement, treason, and nonsense is seen by voters as being appeasers, traitors, and blah-blah-blah. If you go back in time and space a few years, you heard the exact same rhetoric from democrats concerning Iraq. Ain't they just too cute?  The al Qaeda crime family had their own summit recently.  Boom.


Anonymous said...

"Bill Clinton's wife attacked Bush during a speech at Princeton for ignoring the threat from Iran"

Hillary looks about as bright as Pelosi or Reid...

Not as bright as a Kennedy however....

I think smoking Bill's Crack all these years has really taken it's toll.

I am starting to believe, she has the potential to be even less impressive than Kerry running for POTUS...

Is that possible?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

When Hillary ran for the Senate she was leashed tighter than a rabid organ grinder's monkey. On the few occasions where she ad libbed, all hell broke loose. Running for president does not allow for such luxuries ... Think Theresa Heinz Kerry, and double it.

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