Monday, January 16, 2006

It Takes a B-52
Maryland Democrats Pick Up Hillary's Cudgel

Readers with long memories will recall that one of the reasons HillaryCare was defeated in 1994 was because of its unpopular employer mandate. Well, its diktat that all businesses provide health insurance is making a comeback, albeit at the state level and at first only for the largest companies. But all employers are on Big Labor's target list here.

That's the larger meaning of last week's events in Maryland, where the state legislature overturned the veto of GOP Governor Robert Ehrlich and passed a bill forcing any employer in the state with more than 10,000 employees to spend at least 8% of its payroll on health care or pay the state the difference. There are only a handful of companies that large in Maryland -- Johns Hopkins University and Giant Food, a grocery chain competing with Wal-Mart, among them. Only one meets all the criteria, however, so the legislation was dubbed "The Wal-Mart Bill," which in part it is.

But no one should think this will be an isolated political event. The state AFL-CIO threw everything it had into the bill ... [continued]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post, and yes, it answered my question to your previous post on this subject
-Democrats who dominate both houses of the Maryland legislature went along.- Just like CA.

But the final paragraph in the article truly defined the purpose behind this *law making* move,
-What's really going on here is an attempt to pass the runaway burdens of the welfare state on to private American employers.-
Hmmm, socialism stuffed turkeys, on the menus today. joyce

Anonymous said...

The democrat controlled senate here in Colorado has unfortunately seen the shenanagins in Maryland and plan on introducing a similar bill.

I believe it's the unions attempting to put it to Wal-Mart more than the states getting another income stream. That's just a plus for the dems carrying the water for the unions.

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