Monday, January 30, 2006

That Rodger is a mean spirited bastard, ain't he?

Bad me
Forgive my cynicism, but my first thought upon hearing that ABC News Anchor Bob Woodruff  was nearly blown to pieces in Iraq, was that  he ''screwed the pooch,''  and detonated  too soon.  My second thought  was that our guys did the fragging(God, I'm sorry for that).  Hey, you couldn't blame them, Woodruff is part of the media cabal who disinform about the Iraq war  [and most everything else]  to discredit  a president they abhor.  However, I'll say a Novena for  you Bob, because that's the way I am.


Anonymous said...

My first thought was that ABC had advanced info of a bomb, and wanted to tape it. But they were in the first vehicle in the convoy and should have been in the second.

If it was our guys, they didn't miss,they just didn't complete the mission.

I'm only doing one Act of Contrition.

Jake said...

It will be interesting to see if Woodruff would still be against freedom for the Iraqi people when he recovers? Any bets on which way he will turn?

Because I resisted blasting Woodruff, I am going to heaven for sure.

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