scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
How Whites stole the African National Sport.

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Actually, I think this years Women's curling team got into the game so that they could promote their Playboy-like nudie calender.
The men's curlers, on the other hand, aren't doing too bad. And who can hate a sport which has, in the rules, the requirement that you share a whiskey with the other team at the end of every game? -
2/21/06, 2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
My next love, the Johnson Twin!
(a curling we will go,
hi, ho the dairy-o,
a curling we will go). -
2/21/06, 5:24 PM
Anonymous said...
How's the Jamaican curling team doin'? -
2/21/06, 5:36 PM
- Spunky Texan said...
the curler is cute.
BTW, how the hell did this get to be an olympic event?
When is poker going to make it?
or pool.
Hell, why not make PLINKO an olympic event!!!! -
2/21/06, 11:40 PM
Anonymous said...
It's a pretty decent sport, actually -- although emphasizing subtly and strategy over speed and brute force. Better then Ice Dancing, at least!
And it's been a sport for over five hundred years, supposedly, which is a lot longer then most olympic sports out there. I think it's a great Olympic sport.
Then again, I also think Chess should be an olympic sport, and some argue whether or not it's a sport at all. Meh. -
2/22/06, 12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Hm, speaking of the Olympics... is there a more, um, interesting name for a woman then 'Slutskaya'? The Olympian attached to that name looks a bit too butch for that name, sadly, but... how embarrassing to be known all over the world as a Slut(skaya).
2/22/06, 2:23 AM
- Spunky Texan said...
How's the Jamaican curling team doin'?"
Sanka, we dead yet? -
2/22/06, 8:24 AM