Monday, February 27, 2006

The Left plans to capture the Capitol?

You always wanted to shoot a commie mofo, but were born too late? Here's your opportunity. No, really. This one's legal. You'll get a medal too. And a statue.


Kim du Toit said...

Sadly, all we'll need is bayonets to disperse this scum.

About six should do it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

When you're handed a Carte Blanche card, use it, I say.

AnnoyedOne said...

"Nukem from orbit, its the only way to be sure" is my motto. Oh wait I'm thinking of Seattle, Beserkeley, SF...

Anonymous said...

HoooWee. A thing like this could purely revolutionize coon huntin'--Jerry Reed, "Hot Stuff"

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Well, you folks know my position. IMO, I think we would have much more fun by bringing an 18 wheeler with a 42ft flatbed trailer and a double row, multi-participant gallows *perfect image comes to mind*. With 2 feet of seperation between each noose, that means 42 commie participants at a time. Just think of all the entertainment value!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone ID the firearm?

Anonymous said...

Finnish Anti-tank rifle


Anonymous said...

Hey Rodger,
Wasn't this the feller what had a "Fatwa" put out on him because he had some pics on his site peeing on the "keran" and firing it to pieces? I can not remember his site name. But I do remember he was very upset. Talk about going to "The Barn". Damn. If he saw anything that looked Muslim he would have killed it! He called the FBI and the whole 9yards too.

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