Wednesday, February 01, 2006

''We are in a media race for . . . hearts and minds. ...The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam--and how they ran and left their agents--is noteworthy.'' - al Qaeda's No. 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, 10/2005
''Here's an example that illustrates both the media's antiwar attitude and their powerlessness: In October the Baltimore Sun ran a story under the headline, "Little Outcry Raised on Iraq." The subhead read: "Md. deaths push toll near 2,000, but public is distracted, experts say."
''Consider what this headline tells you about the assumptions that prevail in the newsroom. "Little Outcry Raised on Iraq." Why is the absence of an outcry a story? News consists of the unexpected--man bites dog, not dog bites man. "Little Outcry Raised on Iraq" means that, in the view of the Baltimore Sun, an outcry is to be expected when the country is at war. If there isn't much of one, it means something is wrong: "Public is distracted, experts say." The so-called mainstream media are following the Vietnam script, according to which a war is supposed to become a quagmire, which provokes opposition and leads to American withdrawal.'' - OpinionJournal - Bad News Bearers


Anonymous said...

Something occurred to me yesterday and I don't know why it hadn't before .. I'm guessing that you've heard the expression: "if the only tool that you have is a hammer, then every problem starts to look like a nail". If every anti- Bush journo thinks that Iraq = Vietnam, then they are going to miss the very big (and different) historical currents that are moving around the world right now. I'm a bit hopeful that the the lunatic Iranian President's statements and the Hamas election victory will serve as some kind of clue bat for at least a few more of these people that "we're not in Kansas anymore".

your pal over the river in VA, Mark

Rodger the Real King of France said...

A+! Mark. However, I like to keep it simple. Rabid dogs.

Jake said...

''We are in a media race for . . . hearts and minds."

Al Qaida has already won the hearts and minds of the media. But it is not helping them, they still are losing every military battle they fight.

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