scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, April 29, 2006
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
what a f***** mindset is that???
people who ask an authority for something - mind you, ASK! - getting hit because said authority does not like their lifestyle...and that is a good thing, then?
man, i used to like your site, cause it is the only humourous one on your side of the fence i can laugh about. but this takes the biscuit. -
4/29/06, 12:02 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Oh crap ... does that mean no more Pay Pal money?
4/29/06, 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey anonymous dipshit since when is a demand asking for something? Did you even READ the whole post before you went into liberal autopilot??
It never ceases to amaze me how someone can read the same passage as I and come up with a completely different slant on it. A university president enjoying the morning air is accosted by a mob of hippies making demands- he defends himself with his walking stick and you’re whining about them getting hurt and ASSUME it was because of their lifestyle not being validated. And Yes it was a good thing if it taught them not to do it again.
If I were out for a morning walk and encountered a group making demands – NO MATTER what the demands were- I would defend myself with whatever was at hand – walking stick, rock, gun, etc. If they had a legitimate grievance there are times and places to handle them but ambushing a man on his morning walk is not the way to get anything done unless your only aim is to intimidate. And we all know how peaceful mobs were in the seventies.
I’m sure Rodger’s heart is breaking over an other side of fence crybaby saying they didn’t like your site. What next- are you going to hold your breath and turn blue?
Samurai AG -
4/29/06, 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...
This is getting ugly.
I happen to work in downtown Durham NC, less than a mile from the Duke campus and about five from NC Central. Due to the looming NC Central Riots (brought to you courtesy of the Black Supremicist Panthers) The thinly vieled threats from the Black Panthers has gone too far, and thanks to Nifong (rhymes with "wrong") and his short-sighted efforts at creating racial unrest in an already polarized town in order to get elected, the likelyhood that violence could break out is pretty high, IMO.
Nifong has whipped NC Central's student population (96% black) into a frenzy. Additionally, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton's efforts have helped set the hair trigger on this spring-trap and judging from the anger in many of the comments of the students interviewed for the local news, frankly I think many of them are waiting for an excuse to take out some longstanding anger toward "the man/the system/whitey/etc." Now, the way I see it those numbnuts can riot, loot and burn their second-rate diploma mill college to the ground and trash their own neighborhood all they like. BFD. But the problem here is proximity. Check this out:
See that? It'sonly 4.4 miles from NC Central to Duke.
Therefore, I declare Monday to be "Carry a firearm day."
Now, the only question is: Do I go for capacity or for max stopping power? IOW, Glock 45 with an extra magazine, or old-school 44mag Ruger revolver in stainless + some speed loaders on the belt? This is a tough one.
Certainly, the best advice is to avoid trouble at all costs... but sometimes trouble finds you.
Oh, and I also declare it to be take a camera to work day. Rodger, if I snap some shots on my RioterCam(tm) I'll send 'em your way.
--Jack -
4/30/06, 12:19 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I'm sure there will be plenty of picture taking ops .. and I WANT THEM!
4/30/06, 8:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Well, no luck on the photos. The local news didn't want to discuss where/when the NBPP was to speak (had to read about it on the net) so by the time I got to the main campus and parked, Shabazz and his hoodlum hoarde (along with what I'd estimate were 50 local curiosity-seekers) were already leaving to go try and stir up a riot somewhere else. There wasn't a single decent photo op. And here I was hoping for a close-up on Shabazz. So I said 'screw it' and drove back to my office. I learned later that the NBPP marched down to the house on Buchannon street where the "ALLEGED" assault took place.
Sorry, dude, for letting you down. Here's a consolation prize (If I had your talents in photoshop, I'd put it in an image) "Somebody I know went to a New Black Panther Party riot, and all I got was this stupid email.--Jack -
5/2/06, 8:09 PM