Monday, April 24, 2006

Dealing with Verizon E-Mail

I thought it unusual that I had received just a few pieces of e-mail by 4PM yesterday, but what the hell, it's Sunday.  I got an inkle when one of the e-mailers who slipped through explained that he had to use his Yahoo mail, because his regular mail  had been returned as spam?  Then someone posted the same thing in a comment.  I went to G-Mail, and sent myself a note.

WTF?  I clicked on the link which took me to a petition to have carriers reinstated.  Here was the pertinent box:

After explaining that I was receiving no e-mail, and that everybody seemed to have been whitelisted, they asked me to provide the name of the domains from which I could not get mail.  The Verizon Catch-22. I filed about a thousand of these things, and each was followed with a new request to look in the knowledge base.  I said screw it, and figured I'd call them in the morning if it wasn't corrected, but it was.  I think.  Send me an e-mail, and if I don't get it, I'll e-mail you.

Update on Verizon's mail fiasco.


Anonymous said...

Case-in-point. Us Mexicans want to help out Verizon very much because you Americans won't take the job which is why you're email is screwed up.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Okay, but first spell cat ... I mean gato.

Anonymous said...

Good old Verizon is helping you by screening your email. It's a filter setting on their part, and the story is all over the internet today.


AnnoyedOne said...

Verizon Mail Issues

They haven't learned a thing.

Verizon to Pay for 'Spam Blockade'

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thank you gentlemen for the Broadband heads-up. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Can they hear us now, August is the end of my 2 year Verizon contract, no renewal on the horizon Verizon.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I may quit using their mail, but Verizon FIOS internet has no equal for the money ... IMO. never a glitch in it .. so far (knock on wood).

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