Monday, April 10, 2006

QUESTION: What's the difference between these Democrats below, and when you mistakenly put a 3 pound blue fish in the pantry, instead of the freezer like you thought, and when you come back from vacation 2 weeks later the baggie has exploded, and there's stuff dripping off the ceiling that not even the maggots will touch? That stuff. What's the difference between Democrats and that stuff?
ANSWER: Hell if I see a difference.
Mother Superior took me out to get a new walker .. one with a cup holder for my Manhattans. Very snazzy. Anyway, in the car I heard about this on Limbo, so I guess everyone knows now - but just in case -

This is a poster from the Illegal Alien Screech held in Dallas yesterday. Ain't it cute? Democrats never miss the chance to stick it up the Country's ass, do they? I particularly like how they showed solidarity with illegals by combining Texas and Mexico into the single state of Texico. You can see much more on WIZBANG, where I found this.

Oh, did I say that Democratic Party folks are plain nasty? Well, let me say it again. Nasty.


Forceleader999 said...

Most of them have VD, too.

Anonymous said...

I'd been handling the past week's events pretty calmly up until this---Grind!--there go my molars again!

Anonymous said...

Hearing Hillary's Voice screech at one of these illegal rallies, nearly made me toss my cookies.

This is the same witch, who was overtly against illegal immigration only a few moments ago.

The same nighmare who wants to allow felons the right to vote, because she cannot get elected otherwise.

These Democrats have to go...

Can we get a Democrat free Congress?

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