Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Big Taco Stall

''The protesters who swelled yesterday's pro-immigration rallies across the country weren't there only to support illegal immigrants. In Denver, one protester held up a sign saying: "Impeach and decapitate this anti-democratic, lying, lawless, fascist Bush..."

''Another said, "Deport 12 million Republicans." In Seattle, one sign read: "Dump the U.S. flag. The U.S. flag is nothing more than notches on a bedpost honoring land acquisition through genocide, aggressive war and broken contracts." Grapevine

Film maker Evan Coyne Maloney has some stills from the May Day festivities to hold us over until his videos are ready. I remember back a ways, when a vendor selling paper pistol targets with Clinton's face plastered on it was slammed by the Secret Service. I'm just saying. Anyway, if you wanted to have a day where you could increase the number of people who hate you by a factor of 2, you couldn't do much better than these May Day assholes, could you? Think about why that might have happened. It certainly wasn't designed to win friends. I just docked my yard boy two days pay, out of principle, and he isn't even Mexican. Cambodian, I think. All sound the same to me.


Jake said...

These are not pro-immigration rallies, they are anti-American rallies. That is why the left is leading these immigrants into economic suicide.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


You get to take Pam Hulchey to the dance.

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