Wednesday, May 17, 2006

CNN adds ''wag my dog'' to pentagon bombing coverage


H/T Amigo


Anonymous said...

Rodge, I read on Ace O' Spades that the image is a hoax. But prolly only because CNN didn't think of it first.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Huh? This is my screen cap. Click on the pic and see it live.

Anonymous said...

I've seen more convincing videos from convenience store robberies!

Forceleader999 said...

That page is still live, Rog. I dunno what Ace is talking about.

Anonymous said...

? denotes a parameter. If the Server doesn't use that particular parameter, it ignores the string. For example: The "wagmydog" was added to the link by a Fark poster and has nothing to do with anyone at CNN.

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