Monday, May 08, 2006

Food Nazis - just the tip
Here are the final two ¶ from an op-ed in today's W$J - Chicagoosed, by Joseph Epstein 

Now that foie gras has been banned from Chicago -- the production and sale of it in California is also to end in 2012 -- the way is clear for banning other meats. My own guess for the next banned meat would be veal. The slaughtering of calves to yield veal has long been an object of moral consternation on the part of the tender-hearted. From there pork might next target of the troops of virtue, for pigs, I not long ago read, are more intelligent than horses. After pork, one can see a general ban on all kinds of sausage. Mencken once referred to hot dogs as cartridges "filled with all the sweepings of the abattoir floor." Butchers, like teachers of Marxism-Leninism after the fall of Communism in Russia, are likely to be rendered supernumerary. And then how long will it be before the government issues a study showing the baleful effects of secondary cholesterol, the results of which will be to force people to eat hamburgers and all other meats, as others may now smoke cigarettes, only out of doors?

A Chicago alderman named Joe Moore, who sponsored the ban on foie gras, after its passage declared that it sends "a powerful message that we [in Chicago] uphold the value of a civilized society." All too easily can I hear one of the red-faced, pot-bellied Chicago aldermen of my youth, reply, "What's he, [epithet deleted] nuts!?" 


Anonymous said...

To Hell with 'em. If it comes down to it I'll pay black-market prices to get my penned-up-in-the-dark-and-force-fed veal. Like corn and wheat it's a crop we harvest. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until some do-gooder discovers that carrots and other vegetables have deep roots in the community and therefore shouldn't be uprooted and eaten.

C'mon Schlong, we need your benevolent dictatorship now! Spool those eight engines up and I'll bring the beer.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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