Thursday, May 04, 2006

Home drawn news

C&S Pony Express News
One of the benefits derived from allowing people to scribble on my bathroom wall, is a sort of pony express news service. Crowds gather in front of the wall to get the nightly news delivered in, by today's standard, snail speed. That means less news that makes you sick, more time to par-tay! Match that, Insta-guys.


Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said... met with...Chinese Premier...Ke-Musabi...Nobody...puked...and nobody...was....shot.

Sorry, had to get away from your little etch-a-sketch at the top of the page.

Addicting. It's to me what weed is to hippies.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

My son, who is a graphic artist for a large corp, has everyone in his department hooked on it too.

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