Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Today's Treat
First: Read this Bio

''I am a political junkie, a reading addict, and a full time volunteer and activist. My heroes are my Dad, my Grandma, and Ronald Reagan. My family was political and democrat (no more though!). My dad was a senator in the state legislature during the civil rights movement while I was growing up. At 20 I was a Democrat feminist Baptist. Now I am a Republican pro-life Catholic. Who says people can't change?? I was in college when Reagan was elected. That changed everything for me. I use to be an actress many moons ago. Thank God I am not one now.''


visit  RIGHTWINGSPARKLE  and click this

Too scary a thought...

to be funny.

"President Al Gore"
H/T Jeff


Anonymous said...

very nice...

Anonymous said...

She also maintains a blog on the on-line version of the Houston Chronicle.


RightwingSparkle said...

Gee, thanks for the recognition and the uhh.. very large picture.


Anonymous said...

Gee Rodg,intelligent, and extremely good looking!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You're welcome sparklelady.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous women leaving notes at C&S...

doesn't get much better than this...

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