Wednesday, June 21, 2006

2 Jerks in the Senate

The Kerry-Feingold Doctrine
John Kerry and Russ Feingold -- potential presidential candidates in 2008  (bwahaaaaaaaa)  -- sent a joint e-mail to Mr. Kerry's 2004 campaign supporters saying that withdrawal will lead to a more effective war on terror.  This according to Christina Bellantoni.   But here's the sorry part.  I'll warrant that not one in one-hundred recipients of that e-mail will ask the question, "How will that help the war on terror?" Too bad, because it's a question neither one of these popinjays can answer - without looking more vacuous than the original statement makes them out to be.


Anonymous said...

What's a popinjay?

Anonymous said...

MM, why don't you try looking it up? Never
mind, I'll save you the exertion.


Please make a note of the URL, you know, in case
you ever need to know the definition of something


Rodger the Real King of France said...

The New York Times Everyday Dictionary (1982) defines popinjay as a noun signifying a vain person or "fop." British MP George Galloway used the term to describe and insult, author and commentator Christopher Hitchens during a December 14, 2005, debate on the Iraq War, held at Baruch College.

Anonymous said...

I could have done without the snarky comment Trader.

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