scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
ABC solicits GW stories
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Don't worry, all stories will be vetted by Algore to ensure that the science behind them is valid...
6/21/06, 2:21 PM
- CDR J said...
Here was my comment:
This morning when I got up the temperature was about 70 Fahrenheit. Now the temperature is 91 Fahrenheit. At that rate, before next Wednesday, the temperature should reach approximately 451 Fahrenheit, at which point all the books will catch fire. -
6/21/06, 3:25 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Holy S*it!
6/21/06, 3:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh sure and Dan Rather is mulling an offer from Mark Cuban to host a one-hour weekly news program.
6/21/06, 6:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Dear ABC: Ever since we moved in three years ago, every summer I've had to set the thermostat lower. It was originally around 70, and now it's below 60. I hear the air conditioner working harder, but the house doesn't really seem to get cool. Every time I think of it I hate that damn Bush that much more.
6/21/06, 6:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Man are they gonna get punk'd. I can't wait to hear some of the tales that are sent to them as anecdotal "evidence" of global warming.
Mark -
6/21/06, 8:02 PM
Anonymous said...
The classic response to this'n is over on KisP --
http://www.sondrak.com/index.php/weblog/tharg_no_like_global_warming/ -
6/21/06, 8:23 PM
- Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...
Rodge, I've found that the closer you get to the equator, it gets hotter! Down here in Texas, it's 75 in Winter! And do you know why? Houston is one of the most polluted cities in America.
Fuckin' it up for the rest of us Houston! -
6/21/06, 9:18 PM
Anonymous said...
I just posted to abc. I am getting sick of hearing about glooooobballll warmingggg. If you look at the geological history of Pennsyvlania, just 20K years ago, the entire northeast and northwest corners of the state were under 2 MILES of ice!!. Most of the pocono mountains were BELOW the ice. That left some nifty boulder fields for our park system.
Anyway, I'm sure that Ogg and Thog were not using SUV's when they were hunting wooly mammoth's in 18,0000 BC!!. Perhaps their campfires caused global warming.
The glaciers retreated all the way through PA and New York into northern Canada.
I can't believe no one ever points this out. The glaciers have been melting since about 19,800 years before the industrial revolution and 18,000 years before the rise or European Civilization.. Anyone see a trend here??
Bullseye -
6/21/06, 9:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Joel, that's a thing of beauty. It's hillarious while concisely illustrative of the "logic" embued by the global waming/global cooling/climate change crowd: take a small trend and extend it ad infinitum while completely ignoring the cyclical nature of weather. The Orwellian reference was a nice touch, too. Thanks for cheering me up!
6/21/06, 10:27 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I wonder if ABC bothered to read this? (Rehtorical, of course they dint). http://terpsboy.com/Articles/gorewarnings.html
6/21/06, 11:27 PM
- Cowboy Blob said...
When I was a kid, the snow would sometimes drift up to the eaves of the house in the wintertime. The snow piles would last past April.
Now, 40 years later, I'm lucky to see it snow for a day in February or March, then I have to turn on the A/C for 6 months straight.
Should I tell them I moved to Tucson? -
6/22/06, 12:41 AM
- LargeBill said...
Al Gore is mistaken. It is not the internal combustion engine which is causing global warming. It's the rate of beer consumption. Drinking slowly seems to cause global warming. At my normal rate my beer is still cold at the end. When I drink slowly it causes global beer warming which I don't need to point out is bad. There is a correllary argument for global cooling being caused by drinking coffee too slowly.
6/22/06, 9:14 AM