Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Al Gore bitch slapped again over phony science claims

Choosing My Gores
A few hours ago I ran across this AP story in the WaPost ... It begins

WASHINGTON -- The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

The former vice president's movie _ replete with the prospect of a flooded New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes, worsening droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets _ mostly got the science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or read the book and answered questions from The Associated Press.  

The AP contacted more than 100 top climate researchers by e-mail and phone for their opinion.... blah blah blah.

Like you, I instinctively knew the story was bullshit for several reasons.
  1. The AP's 100 ''top climate scientists'' are not named.
  2. The AP famously carries Liberal water pails.
  3. The only people who would ever laud that pitiful man are insane, hard core leftists, or snot nosed mush brained students.
  4. Real climatologists, willing to be named, had already condemned Gore's work as utter nonsense.
Sheesh.  Anyway, I bookmarked it and (I swear) planned on voicing incredulity after walking the dog, making dinner, and changing the piston rings on my Silver Cloud. Well, in truth, it was a toss-up over which Gore story I went for, that - or where he just made this delicious bon mot.
"In my view, a president who breaks the law poses a threat to the very foundation of our democracy. As Americans with a stake in the future of our country, we must act quickly and decisively. We have less than five months to win the six seats we need to control the Senate – and pull our country back from the brink of a constitutional crisis ... : I have never seen leaders that act with the contempt for the truth that I have witnessed in George Bush’s administration.''  - Bill Clinton's vice president, Al Gore, in a fund raising E-mail.
See what I mean? After finishing  my chores it became academic, because Drudge co-opted me with this :

June 27, 2006

The June 27, 2006 Associated Press (AP) article titled “Scientists OK Gore’s Movie for Accuracy” by Seth Borenstein raises some serious questions about AP’s bias and methodology.

AP chose to ignore the scores of scientists who have harshly criticized the science presented in former Vice President Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth.”

In the interest of full disclosure, the AP should release the names of the “more than 100 top climate researchers ... .''

See?  Do I know my Goreons and sycophants, or what?  I'm going with ''Dialing for Dollars Al'' - calling for Bush's impeachment - as tonight's Gorensanity. The guy cracks me up.


AnnoyedOne said...

I think Al Bore was bitten by a rabid Moonbat. Soon (if not already) he'll start foaming at the mouth and will need to be shot. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

Daffyd, in his usual verbose way, agrees:

Anonymous said...

Soon (if not already) he'll start foaming at the mouth and will need to be shot.

Not friggin' soon enough. < sigh>

B....... said...

Perfect timing Rodger. Yesterday evening I overheard a conversation praising "An Inconvenient Truth". I just printed out The Environment & Public Works article that you linked, and delivered it to the guy who was so impressed with the movie. He is reading it now. Hopefully it will sink in, but I'm not holding my breath.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks B ... life is good.

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