Saturday, June 17, 2006

Car bomb

Today's Blast
Since Bonzo posted this picture on his site yesterday, I've been thinking about it.  What was the fate of these young men, especially the lead man?  I fear the worst.  The clarity of the picture sequence suggests that this was no chance, hand held camera shot, but an orchestrated video journal by the very terrorist who detonated the car bomb.  The angle suggests a second story placement.  Of course what immediately comes to mind is Haditha. 

What we do know - the only thing for sure, about the Haditha incident is that a car bomb detonated near a Marine convoy and  killed Lance Cpl. Miguel Terrazas, 20, of El Paso, Texas, and the ensuing firefight killed 15 Iraqi civilians, including seven women and three children. An Iraqi ''civil rights'' group (founded by Ramsey Clark, no doubt) told Time magazine that the Marines summarily executed these civilians, and Rep. Jack Murtha, the ex-Marine with a shady past, has used it to bolster the Democrat's attack against victory in Iraq. 

For their part, The United States Navy is apparently still suffering from Schroeder Syndrome, where defense of their own leads to career ending jihads by congressional committee (ala Tail Hook). Witness this treatment of the Marines involved. 

"They used some really heavy-handed tactics to extract the information," Siegel said, adding that her client was not read his rights prior to questioning _ a fundamental right to which all accused troops are entitled _ and was threatened with the death penalty.

 ''Attorney Jane Siegel, who represents Marine Pfc. John Jodka, 20, said Naval Criminal Investigative Service officials spoke to her client three times after he was taken into custody May 12. Jodka was questioned for up to eight hours at a time and was not offered water or toilet breaks, Siegel said.'' -"Lawyers: Threats Used Against Marines"

Where is Jimmy Carter weeping crocodile tears over this abuse of prisoners?  I'm disgusted.  Not by the actions of twenty-year old men placed in an obscenely hostile environment, but by this lingering vestige of the Vietnam sell-out by politically motivated popinjays.


Anonymous said...

Michael Yon has a very grizzly description of what happens when a bomb is set off. Under The Greedy Ones. Graphic. And the fuckwad that was sitting there to get this shot, looks like he might have been a little too close. Can you imagine the sickness of his mind?

Anonymous said...

The Marine Corps has always been run by infantry officers, until the Clinton era. NIS or NCID whatever they want to call themselves these days, has always been a hotbed of fucking useless idiots. Not reading the guy his rights actually does him a favor, since the grounds are automatically laid for overturning a guilty verdict. If these guys have a couple real infantry officers on the Court, and they don't roll over on each other (unlikely, I'm sure they're tight), they'll walk. I'm ashamed that politics has made us put these lads through this.


Anonymous said...

I am just sick and tired of Murtha and other assorted political assholes running there mouth about this before we know the facts. If American Soldiers or Marines murdered unarmed women and kids that posed no threat to them then I do not want them to get away with it. They should be punished. But we dont know yet what happened just alligations. My dealings with the Navy Investigative Services have been that they were pros and were not out to hang anyone.But I guess there is an exception to every rule.

Anonymous said...

I just had this converstation today, Father's Day, w/my husband, and basically, it all comes down to the "same old, tired, rule book" as Rush describes it... but, it's all about the Viet Nam Fkn'era, "killing of civilians." STG...The MSM/Libs/Anti-War/Crowd. Pissn' me the FK off. It's a gotdamn war zone, MutherFukrs, not downtown, Des Moines. Juice

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