Thursday, June 22, 2006

Daniel Schorr

Fourth Estate, Fifth Column
This shows you how the mind works.  I started reading an interesting tidbit about Daniel Schorr, and wound up looking for a picture of the Globe's Thomas Oliphant, and then back to Schorr (not to be confused with Robert Scheer, which is real easy to do).  First, I read this about the last living agent recruited by Edward R. Murrow.
For Goldwater, the first modern conservative to win a presidential nomination, the unending torrent of abuse verged on the apoplectic. CBS News solemnly reported the week of his nomination that Goldwater's first act after the convention would be to travel to Germany for a visit to "Berchtesgaden, once Hitler's stamping ground." And what will the conservative Goldwater do once there? "There are signs," CBS reporter Daniel Schorr said ominously, "that the American and German right wings are joining up..." Got that? Barry Goldwater, said CBS in so many words, was really a Nazi. With a presidential nomination in hand, he was literally heading to Hitler's home to get the international Nazi movement rolling. The story, from the trip to Germany to the visit to Hitler's estate was, of course, false from beginning to end.  "From God to Godless: The Real Liberal Terror"

That will help you understand why Democrats today are convinced that truth in reporting is a Right-wing plot.  They grew up under the spell, in an era when 100% of our news was filtered through a leftist prism.  Now for why Schorr reminds me of Oliphant .  It's simple, I despise them.  Their very appearance on the telly makes me want to shoot big holes in my set. They are both haughty, stupid as poop-corn artifacts of the old media.  They made stuff up to suit their leftist world view, and gave themselves awards for doing it. Back to Schorr.  This pretty much says it all.
  ''Rather than defend the integrity of the CIA, the American left has done everything in its power to destroy it. It was Seymour Hersh and the New York Times that launched a campaign to paint the CIA as a “rogue elephant” agency back in 1974. Their efforts led to both houses of Congress, led by Democrats, working overtime during the Carter administration, to gut the agency’s intelligence-gathering operations. Some liberals went further. CBS reporter Daniel Schorr lost his job when he leaked the secret House report on the CIA to the Village Voice, an action that outraged Americans but certainly pleased some folks at National Public Radio. They were pleased enough to hire him.'' - "Liberal Democrats, So Hypocritical"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the bright side, Oliphant has had a brain aneurism and retired and Schorr is 90 years old, so perhaps we won't have to put up with their smug sedition much longer. They are much like the children who love to say "neener neener neener", but in a much more smug and irritating way. Ratbastards.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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