Friday, June 02, 2006

Journo malaise

Up with underpants people!
Washington Post employee Gene Weingarten gave the commencement speech at the Univ. of Md  Journalism school - or, ''J-School''  as we professionals say.  Here's the part I like - he tells the grads that they prolly won't find a job because,  "the public appears more and more willing to receive its 'news' online from nincompoops ranting in their underpants."

Heheeeee.  Do I have to say it?  Didn't think so. 


Anonymous said...

why does a bitter Wapo liberal make me laugh so?

i should try to sell prozac in the lobby of the NY TIMES...

Anonymous said...

Here is a t-shirt for you Rog...

Anonymous said...

Well... yeah. People ranting without any underpants on are kind of scary.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

I'd rather get into a lady blogger's unnerpants.
(What? No, not literally. Geeze! You need to get out more.)

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