Friday, June 16, 2006

Leftist canker blossoms

HA-HA ya ratbastards. I see your underpants.
Tom Bevan (Real Clear Politics) obliquely tackles Canker Blossom politics. Turning Against Nifong    is about a politician who is quite willing to sacrifice the freedom and reputations of innocent young men for the sake of political expediency.  When he won the Democrat primary a while back, it looked like Nifong had retained office as Durham County prosecutor.  Guess what?  His people are bailing on him in droves. 

Rove Gives Paper the Vapors is a mind boggling example of ratbastard media who are quite willing to prosecute political enemies for the sake of political expediency. Here are the opening paragraphs from today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial.

''Sometimes it feels like there's no justice. That's a sentiment likely to be shared by many Americans in the wake of this week's announcement that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has decided not to charge top White House aide Karl Rove in his investigation of the Valerie Plame leak case.

''The feelings of frustrated justice are not just partisan sour grapes, although some of that certainly exists among Democrats who were prematurely convinced of Mr. Rove's legal complicity. The truth is that disappointment might be felt by any fair-minded person who remembers what exactly was at the heart of this case and who was involved. ''

Res Ipsa Loquitur
While I'm on the subject of disappointed democrats, how can we fail to notice ''fallout from the recent Big Boom?'' Limbo slices and dices it quite nicely, here (audio).  And, even more here.


Anonymous said...

NO justice?
No Peace?

former Atlanta Mayor, Democrat Bill Campbell is going to PRISON for 2.5 years...

there is still time for Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham to face the music...

Anonymous said...

Yet Cynthia McKinney can bitch-slap a Capitol Hill cop and nothing happens.

No justice, indeed.

Anonymous said...

The writer of this editorial would not know justice if it hit them right in the kister and I don believe there interested in justice. The writer acts as if The vice President did not have the right to defend himself and correct the lies of a politically motivated jerk that was sent on a dubious mission by his wife. Pflame and company got exactly what the deserved. She is part of a group of Democrats at CIA that was out to harm this administration and her husband lied about who sent him claiming it was the VP to add credibility to his hatchet job when it was not. Pflame was not an undercover operative nor has Libby been charged with revealing the ID of an operative no such charge was posible under the US code Title 18.The lack of justice in this case is rogue elements of the CIA which are Clinton appointees will face no charges for there misconduct.The Rat Bastards to use Rogers well deserved term violated every ethical standard that could be imagined. Not just turning on this administration and president. But they turned on the people as well.

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